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An Eggleston kind of Thanksgiving

I don't know if this photograph is just derivative, art about art, too heavy on concept/theory, or art for art's sake, but then again, all art (and artists) stand on the shoulders of that which came before.

Now I'm fairly certain that the great unwashed masses won't see it as "art", but a little knowledge about the medium of photography and WIlliam Eggleston in particular wouldn't hurt if anyone would choose to ponder it for more than a few seconds.

But of course, maybe it was just an overdose of tripophan that made me do it.

In any event, I hope everyone who partakes had a Happy Turkey Day.

Reader Comments (2)

I don't know if it was on overdose of tryptophan, but it was something! Those stripes, B&W checkerboard leading up to the panes of glass in the door also in squares, yellow, blue, and black wheels, all have my eyes doing crazy stuff while looking at this at the angle you made this photo! It certainly keeps me bouncing around!
November 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Parent
I don't think anyone needs to get the reference to see it as art. In fact I don't think the reference adds much interest, but the picture is fun on its own merits. Maybe not the most high-minded example of art, but who's to say it's not art at all?
November 26, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterpaulraphael

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