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Entries in medicalscape (4)


emotionally charged ~ a question

Death in the ER ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggenI have posted this picture previously. I am doing so again, re: my recent entry, people ~ telling it like it is, because I have come to notice that, when I post a picture with what I consider to be a high emotional content (human condition wise), it rarely instigates any comment and that fact makes me very curious.

That said, I make pictures in all kinds of situations and environments. I always have a camera with me and if something catches my eye and/or attention, I am most likely going to make a picture of it. A family portrait next to my mother in her coffin, a cute little kid on the beach, me all wired up and ready to have my heart stopped and re-started - they are, in a sense, all the same to me, picture making opportunity wise. It's all part of life / living. It's also why the ex-wife made it a point to tell me - at her husband's wake - that she wanted no pictures made of him in his coffin.

However, I have come to notice that not all picture makers feel the same way. In particular, I have started to wonder about those picture makers who picture the landscape - nature, urban, or otherwise. What I have noticed about them is that they rarely make pictures with people in them. Humankind, in the guise of actual people, are remarkably absent.

I wonder why this seems to be so*.

Is it because, as a group, landscape picture makers are uneasy in dealing, lens-to-face, with other people - especially so, in highly charged emotional situations? Or is it simply because they do not wish to "intrude" in those situations**? Do landscape picture makers deliberately choose to make pictures of such nature/urban referents because of the somewhat cool and detached picture making gaze that is most evident in the making of their pictures?

I am very curious, re: this topic - do you have any thoughts on the subject? Have you ever made any emotionally charged pictures? If so, have you shared them with others? Would you share them with us?

*FYI, in viewing the websites / blogs of many of the followers of The Landscapist, I have yet to see an intimate, emotionally charged picture.
**Although, it could be stated that hiding behind such an "excuse" is a great way to avoid dealing with such situations, picture making wise and and on a more intimate personal level.


medicalscape # 4 ~ always looking

View from hospital window ~ Strong Memorial Hospital - Rochester, NY • click to embiggen
Part of my medical experiences inasmuch as I was visiting my former father-in-law who was in the hospital for hip replacement surgery.


medicalscape # 3 ~ permission granted, sort of

Doctor's office ~ Au Sable Forks, NY • click to embiggen
Re: medicalscape(s) Sven W asked: When people are involved (e.g medical staff) are you intending to shoot candids or do you need permission to photograph within the perimeter of a medical centre?

Permission? I don't need no stinking permission - I'll just keep on making pictures until someone tells me to stop. That approach has worked so far.

That said, other than the occasional picture of me, I don't intend to picture to many other people. My intent is to feature the rather cold and impersonal aspect of the medical environment.


medicalscape # 1-2 ~ a new theme / series

Exam room sink ~ CVPH - Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Medical records ~ CVPH - Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
It has come to my attention that I have a ever-growing number of medical facility pictures. To date, I have been labeling them as part of my civilized ku series. However, since medical facilities will continue to be part of my future, it's time to start a new series of medicalscape pictures.

While most of the medicalscape pictures have been centered around my heart related experiences, today's medicalscape pictures are centered around my upcoming hernia operation experiences. It certainly seems that I will not be running out of medical experiences any time soon so medicalscape it is.

FYI, I'll have to go back over the past several months of pictures and rename, renumber, and re-tag all of the medical pictures.