krappy kamera ku

There's something about toy cameras I just can't resist. In this case the extremely diminutive Minox Leica M3. Make no doubt about it - dispite its look, namesake and price (currently under $200), it's a krappy kamera - a no adjustments (there is an "iffy" auto exposure function), fixed focus, non-precision viewfinder, press the button and shoot. The claimed 4 megapixels is arrived at by interpolation. All of which conspires to create, to my eye and sensibility, a wonderful photograph.
If you have not had the experience of photographing with a krappy kamera, I highly recommend it. There are loads of film and digital krappy kameras out there, many well under $100. Most fit easily into a pocket, some so small that they can get lost in your spare change, so there's no reason not to have them with you all the time. And photographing doesn't get any less involved from the tech side than just pressing the button.
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