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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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In Situ ~ la, la, how the life goes onLife without the APADoorsKitchen SinkRain2014 • Year in ReviewPlace To SitART ~ conveys / transports / reflectsDecay & DisgustSingle WomenPicture WindowsTangles ~ fields of visual energy (10 picture preview) • The Light + BW mini-galleryKitchen Life (gallery) • The Forks ~ there's no place like home (gallery)

Entries from February 1, 2013 - February 28, 2013


diptych # 26 (kitchen life # 39-40) ~ explanation entry, Part 2 - I'm not going down that road

Cutlery + tea package / tea package + cutlery ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenAs mentioned in my previous explanation entry, Part 1, I mentioned a number of reactions, re: David S. Allee's Frame of View pictures and exihibition. # 1 that list was that I need to get my work circulating. That reaction was instigated by my pondering of the notion that, if my picture windows sample book had arrived at the door of the Margan Lehman Gallery before Allee's Frame of View portfolio (or whatever he submitted), would I be the one to have an exhibition?

IMO, the answer to that rumination is, "No".

There are a number of reasons for that supposition, but I'll mention just 2 (I'll mention another in tomorrow's Part 3 entry): a) my sample book is devoid of artspeak, and, b) Allee's pictures, unlike mine, are very window frame/framing oriented.

Allee's emphasis on his pictured framing devices really helps to ram home and make obvious the idea of, as the Press Release states, "the illusion of a two-dimensional picture plane", aka: his tromp l'oeil trope. While this was obviously his intent, it is precisely what I don't particularly like about this work - it is just too flat out visually obvious. On the other hand, that very obvious trope is most likely exactly what the gallery owner / director liked.

However, no matter how much art sauce they pour on that content / turkey, I ain't buying it.

When talking about his picture making M.O., Stephen Shore stated:

Because of the resolution of working on an 8×10 view camera, I found that I did not have to thrust the viewer's face into something. If I saw something interesting, it could be part of larger picture that has a number of points of interest. It changes the viewers relationship with an image. It is not framing one thing but creating a little triangular world that the viewer can move their attention around and explore.

I have have ranted and raved on quite a number of occasions, re: the picture making dictum of to simply. In most cases, but certainly not all, I see it as a prescription for dumbing things down. Not wanting to go there, that is one reason why most of my pictures are rather densely packed with visual information.

In the case of my picture windows work, I employ the same tromp l'oeil" visual trope as Allee. The difference is it is not as obvious because I have given the viewer much more room to move around and explore the entire two-dimensional surface* of the print. I do so because my work is not just about "the view" of the outside - it's also about the inside, both visually and metaphorically.

The visual aspect is visually obvious. Perhaps for some, the metaphor is not - the interiors of the rooms I picture can, if one is so inclined, be considered as a symbol of the interior / inner life of the individual wherein he/she tries like hell to make things comfortable for one's self. It's the way of the world, no matter how different those attempts at comfort might be.

But, of course, no matter how inner-sanctum safe and comfortable the inner self might be or feel, there is always the outside world to consider. An exterior reality which is always viewed and considered through the framework he/she has constructed for one's self.

All of that written (I could go on and on but I don't want to tell anyone how to think about my pictures), I am certain that it all can be "translated" into artspeak. And, if it were, the work just might stand a much better chances of impressing a "big-time" gallery director.

On the other hand, I'll close with a few words from Edward Burtynsky (you should read his refreshing direct and simple artist statement):

When one looks at my images, I want it that you don't need a text beside them but the communication is all encoded in the image. To me that is what the power of an image can be. What I saw happening in a lot of postmodern work was that you need to have the text, needed to know the concepts before the work could make any sense. Separated from the text, the work could not support itself. You had to be educated in the visual arts, the movements, and other things, to understand. I didn't want to go down that road but wanted to feel the work could contain all the ideas.

Right on.

*In the gallery Press Release, wherein the artspeaker seems to be impressed by the fact that "Allee transforms three-dimensional views ... into the illusion of a two-dimensional picture plane ...". Don't these self aggrandizing / see-how-educated-I-am artspeak buffoons realize that every three-dimensional view ever pictured by any and all picture maker(s) is "transformed", by means of the intrinsic characteristics of the medium and its apparatus, into an actual two-dimensional picture plane?


civilized ku # 2476 ~ 490 East / 490 West

State Street and the Inner Loop ~ Rochester, NY • click to embiggenObserved while sitting at an intersection / red traffic light. I had to work fast.


diptych # 25 (kitchen life # 37-38) ~ explanation entry, pt. 1

Fruit + scissors / scissors + fruit ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenAs I was working my way through my explanatory entry, re: picture windows ~ this is a quiz, I arrived at the conclusion - after writing a zillion words - that there was no way the explanation could be accomplished in a single entry. So, without further ado, it's on with part 1 ...

The genesis of the quiz entry is to be found in an email from my son, the cinemascapist. In that email, he provided a link to an NYC gallery exhibit, Frame of View, by David S. Allee. His only comment (tongue-in-cheek?) other than the link was, "he stole your idea".

While I do not for a moment believe my idea, aka: my picture windows work, was in any way stolen, plagiarized, or in any fashion associated with Allee's pictures. Nevertheless, there is a remarkable similarity between his pictures and mine. However, that written, there is also a difference inasmuch as, on the whole, Allee's window pictures are much more window frame centric than are my window pictures.

Be all of that as it may, what kinda got me going was the exhibition press release wherein there is artspeak aplenty ...

"... shifting perceptions of reality ... transforms three-dimensional views into the illusion of a two-dimensional picture plane ... historical debates between pictorialism and straight photography ... recontextualize and reexamine ... challenge the viewer to reconsider what is in front of them ... the changing perception and definition of images, photography, reality, and illusion..."

My first reaction was that I needed to get my work circulating. My second reaction was that the press release was pretty accurate description of my picture windows work. My third reaction was that I could never have written an similar artspeak laden statement about my work. My fourth reaction was that, before I get my work circulating, I need to find an artspeak ghost writer who can fashion artist statements for all of my bodies of work - I mean, hey, you gotta play to the market if you wanna play.

That written, my fifth and most important reaction was to create a blog entry wherein it was my intent to instigate a reaction to my picture window work - a reaction from you, the readers of the landscapist, whom I believe not to be from the academic / BFA / MFA world. Or, in other words, from other picture makers as opposed to the concept-is-everything crowd.

Not that concept is a bad thing. My various bodies of picture making work are undertaken with, at the very least, a hint of concept involved.

However, for me the pictures are the thing - I strive to make pictures which draw the viewer in, first and foremost, for what is seen, i.e., the print itself. Hopefully, once the viewer is drawn in visually, he/she can be further drawn in in the cause of discovering / discerning meaning. Meaning which is, of course, related to concept.

All of that written, I'll wrap up part 1 with a question (not a quiz). Actually, 2 related questions:

question 1) - would you have thought as long and hard about my picture windows if I hadn't requested that you do so?

question 2) - how much do you contemplate, beyond the visually obvious, any pictures which you view?

FYI, part 2 is in the works.


civilized ku # 2471-75 ~ Union Market

Union Market # 1 ~ NYC, NY • click to embiggen1044757-21959763-thumbnail.jpg
Union Market # 2 ~ NYC, NY • click to embiggen
Union Market # 3 ~ NYC, NY • click to embiggen
Union Market # 4 ~ NYC, NY • click to embiggen
Union Market # 5 ~ NYC, NY • click to embiggen
I've been incredibly busy - 3 days of out-of-town guests + 2 days of honoring my commitment to hockey boy (Hugo) wherein I promised, if he were willing to skip school, to get him to (up near the Canadian border) a 2 day power skating / stick handling clinic. Throw my dealing with a miserable cold and, consequently, my follow up to the last entry will not be addressed until tomorrow.

That written, much thanks to all who responded to the quiz. The response was more than I could have hoped for. And, as mentioned, there were no wrong answers. In fact, none of the answers could have been better.

Thanks again. I really appreciate it. I'll be back at you tomorrow.


picture windows ~ this is a quiz - no right answers, no wrong answers. there are only answers

Hotel window ~ Cherry Hill, NJ • click to embiggen1044757-21938292-thumbnail.jpg
Hotel window ~ Binghamton, NY • click to embiggen
Bedroom window ~ Brooklyn, NY • click to embiggen
Loft building window ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
Hotel window ~ Lake Placid, NY • click to embiggen
PLEASE RESPOND There is a very specific reason for this quiz which will be revealed in an entry on Monday or Tuesday next.

I am allowing some time before the explanatory entry in order to allow for as many answers as possible because, IMO, the more answers there are, the more interesting and revelatory my explanatory entry can be. PLEASE RESPOND

And rest assured, no one will be graded on their answers because there are no right or wrong answers, there are only answers. In fact, it could be honestly written that every answer will be a right answer. PLEASE RESPOND

In order for you to answer, there must be a question. So, without further ado ...

What do see, taken as a group, in these pictures beyond their referent of visual record?

In others words, what do you "see" beyond the pictured subject? Or, what do you think these pictures are about, re: the inferred or the implied? PLEASE RESPOND

FYI, I "see" nothing beyond the visual is a very acceptable answer. On the other hand, Who gives shit? or Who cares? is not, simply because everyone should already know the answer to those questions - I do.

BTW, did I mention, PLEASE RESPOND?


signs # 11 ~ turning up the volume 

No Parking Here to Corner ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggenIn response to the intro to / first peek of my information overload concept (see civilized ku # 2453-62 ~ no direction home, pepeye (no linked provided) wrote:

Interesting. But one problem I see from the sample work you posted is that a 3×3 of your work looks more like what we would see in a Flickr or 500px gallery of your work and not like the random overload of images you speak of. The overall style is too consistently your style. Where's the super HDR? The tilt shift? The expired film look, etc. that adds so much to the visual overload of images on the web?

In addition, Clifford Gwinn (no link provided but I did find this - Clifford, please correct me if this is not you) wrote:

Why bother?

my response: re: ...the sample work you posted ... looks more like what we would see in a Flickr or 500px gallery of your work and not like the random overload of images you speak of.

It is not my intention to replicate the myriad looks of the overload of pictures, but rather, to metaphorically represent the volume of pictures. IMO, introducing various picturing styles to the visual equation obfuscates that intention by drawing attention to distinct and differing categories of information as opposed to the sheer volume thereof.

My point is not about distinctions, it is all about sheer volume which tends to overwhelm the senses and engender a fog of indistinction. IMO, the more homogeneous the information, the more difficult it is to distinguish any one item from another. Consequently, I am placing no emphasis upon distinctions and, by presenting all of the pictures in my "style", I am further emphasizing the notion of volume.

However, as you so astutely recognized (although, maybe not the intention for it), the 3×3 presentation is quite deliberately meant to draw direct attention the ubiquitous web gallery presentation as seen on flickr, tumblr, and other picture sites.

my response: re: Why bother?

Hey, I gotta have something to do.

BTW, thanks to John Linn for the "hook".

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?


kitchen life # 36 ~ mélange / election by tradition + intuition

A mélange in a bowl ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenFrom the introduction (as linked in yesterday's entry), by John Szarkowski, to the book William Eggleston's Guide:

Photography is a system of visual editing. At bottom, it is a matter of surrounding with a frame a portion of one's cone of vision, while standing in the right place at the right time .... [B]y means of photography one can in a minute reject as unsatisfactory ninety-nine configurations of facts and elect as right the hundredth. The choice is based on tradition and intuition - knowledge and ego - as it is in any art, but the ease of execution and the richness of the possibilities in photography both serve to put a premium on good intuition. The photographer's problem is perhaps too complex to be dealt with rationally. This is why photographers prowl with such restless uncertainty about their motif, ignoring many potentially interesting records while they look for something else.


dyptich # 25 (civilized ku # 2468-69) ~ 5 picture making essentials

Winter light ~ Eastman House topiary - Rochester, NY / fence + house - Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenI can't explain why it took until last weekend in NYC for me to finally purchase William Eggleston's Guide.

Eggleston is a true picture making original and one of the early pioneers in the use of color film in the making of fine art pictures. His 1976 MOMA exhibition of the pictures in the WEG book created quite a stir - consternation, befuddlement, and outright hatred of the exhibition and his pictures. I suspect that MOMA's then curator, John Szarkowski, knew full well that he was casting a hornet's nest into the world of fine art.

That written, in addition to Eggleston's pictures, the book contains an wonderful introduction by Szarkowski. His introduction is not only insightful, re: Eggleston's pictures, it is also an interesting look, re: art and the medium of photography itself, into the mind of the most influential photography curator of the 20th century - some might say of all time.

Although I would highly recommend the book as an essential read/look, one does not need to purchase it in order to read Szarkowski's introduction - you can do so here.

When writing about some of the emerging picture makers - Shore, Meyerowitz, Levitt, and the like - who were working in color, Szarkowski wrote about what is now considered to be the Snapshot Aesthetic:

... these pictures are not photographs of color, any more than they are photographs of shapes, textures, objects, symbols, or events, but rather photographs of experience, as it has been ordered and clarified within the structures imposed by the camera ... [I]t could be said - it doubtless has been said - that such pictures often bear a clear resemblance to the Kodachrome slides of the ubiquitous amateur next door. It seems to me that this is true ... it should not be surprising if the best photography of today is related in iconography and technique to the contemporary standard of vernacular camera work, which is in fact often rich and surprising. The difference between the two is a matter of intelligence, imagination, intensity, precision, and coherence.

IMO, those 5 words - intelligence, imagination, intensity, precision, and coherence - describe the essential tools of a good picture maker. Anyone who aspires to elevate their work above and beyond servile camera club platitudes, picture making wise, would be well served by getting by the urge to acquire gear and concentrate on acquiring an understanding of and the application of those 5 tools.