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Entries in ireland / scotland (11)


Ireland / Scotland # 42-43 ~ RAW FILES / In Search of the Perfect Picture

Amsterdam airport ~ Amsterdam, Netherlands • click to embiggen
View / Dunottar Castle ~ Stonehaven, Scotland • click to embiggen

During our departure from Scotland - airports and all - the wife picked up a book, RAW SPIRIT ~ In Search of the Perfect Dram, for me to read. A book which I wish I had read before our trip but one which is driving our return to Scotland next year to rent a castle and visit the Western Highlands and islands.

The book (non-fiction) in question, by Iain Banks* is ostensibly about Banks' quest for "the perfect dram", or, if you prefer, the perfect single malt whisky (aka: scotch). However, while Banks - a Scot with a taste and a hankerin' for the "water of life" - does visit many of the distilleries of Scotland and gives the reader his opinions on their whisky expressions, his other musings on subjects such as cars, politics, personal anecdotes (lots of high jinks) and travels around Scotland comprise the larger share of the books's pages. I found it to be a very enjoyable read and it led directly to my purchase of the single malt which impressed Banks the most (fyi, there is no "perfect dram" in his opinion), 21-year-old Glenfiddich Gran Reserva.

That written, in addition to being the inducement for a return trip to Scotland, it is also the inspiration (and final kick in the butt) for a project I am have been kicking around for quite some time - writing a book about photography.

I have been kicking this can down the road for quite a while due to the fact that I had not been able to come up with a schtick - an approach to the writing style - for the book. I most certainly did not want to write a how-to book, gear book, or any other such trope. And while a monograph of my biggest hits has a certain appeal, I considered that approach to be rather impractical for a number of reasons.

Enter RAW SPIRIT ~ In Search of the Perfect Dram....

Reading that book made me realize - not that I didn't know this before - in a very vivid manner that I have had a very interesting life in photography. Like, who would have thought that I would stand in front of an elephant with my arm up to the elbow in her closed mouth, or, having a (different) elephant roll over to vacate its bowels, or, that I would ever learn how to hypnotize a chicken, all in the name of making pictures ... to name just a very few of my who-would-have-thought commercial picture making activities.

Then there was the almost serendipitous manner in which I discovered the medium and somewhat unconventional path I took to learning it. Like, say, my time spent as the personal photographer to a US Army 2-star general.

And, as anyone who has followed The Landscapist over the years knows, I have had much to IMO write about the photography medium and its apparatus. Amongst many, topics ranging from reviews of gallery exhibits / picture books, picture making genres (very opinionated), and other miscellaneous musings about pictures, picture making and a few things technical. My blog is a veritable treasure trove of material waiting to be rummaged through and edited into a cohesive (yet rambling) whole.

The thought which has also been planted (by the wife), writing schtick wise, is that I - like Banks' travels around Scotland - hang the whole thing around my wanderings around The Adirondacks in search of the perfect picture - a travelogue component.

Last, but certainly not least, the book would be illustrated with many of my "perfect" pictures.

So there you have it. To be certain, it's a challenging and time intensive endeavor. However, I won't stop making pictures and I won't stop posting entries (on my about to be launched new-version Squarespace platform).

*A Scottish author. He wrote mainstream fiction under the name Iain Banks and science fiction as Iain M. Banks. In 2008, The Times named Banks in their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945.

Ireland / Scotland # 39-41 ~ mixing it up

dusk ~ Pennan, Scotland • click to embiggen

dusk ~ Pennan, Scotland • click to embiggen

dusk ~ Pennan, Scotland • click to embiggen

Making pictures at/during dusk is one of my favorite picture making time of day. The key for me is mixing daylight with artificial / made-made light. Although, the window for that combination of light is quite brief so it really helps to have a good idea about what it is you wish to picture.


Ireland / Scotland # 36-38 ~ on and on it goes ...

Amsterdam airport ~ Amsterdam, Netherlands • click to embiggen
Caledonian Sleeper dining/club car ~ on the rails, Scotland • click to embiggen
cleaning house / Granny Kate's Cottage ~ Ardara, Donegal, Scotland • click to embiggen

The end is almost in sight. 201 Ireland / Scotland final pictures and about 50 more to completion. However, it's starting to feel like it will never end.


Ireland / Scotland # 33-35 (diptych # 214) / picture windows # 70 ~ touch not the cat

Cragganmore Distillery ~ Ballindalloch, Banffshire, Scotland • click to embiggen
Coat of Arms / Cragganmore Distillery ~ Ballindalloch, Banffshire, Scotland • click to embiggen
Gents / Laddies • Conway's ~ Ramelton, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

The first distillery we visited in Scotland was Cragganmore, one of many distilleries in the Speyside region - hence the name Speyside Malts. At the finish of the tour, one is treated, in the office of the founder John Smith, to tastings of various expressions of Cragganmore Malts. And it was in that office that I pictured the Coat of Arms which adorned a wooden cabinet. I was drawn to the weird, to me, motto of "Touch not the cat but a glove" not to mention the wreath-clad guy with a club.

They say that curiosity killed the cat but, since I am not a cat, my curiosity about the Coat of Arms and the motto therein caused me no harm. What I discovered was that the motto is, according to the curator of the Clan Macpherson Museum, that of Clan Macpherson which in turn was a member of Clan Chattan along with Clan Macintosh, et al. Furthermore, an "ungloved" cat - in this case, a Scottish Wildcat, the mascot of Clan Chattan - is one that has its claws extended. Therefore, be forewarned and "Don't mess with us".

Alternately, according to other sources, the motto could be interpreted to mean. "Touch not the cat without a glove." Either way, it would seem that it is best not to mess with the cat.

That settled, the Gents / Ladies signs in the diptych, while not a Coat of Arms, is one of many like-minded (potty humor?) gents / ladies signs found on many Irish pub restroom doors. I like them. I wish I had pictured more of them.

Ireland / Scotland # 30-31 ~ cemeteries 

tombstone detail ~ near Inverness, Scotland • click to embiggen
OUR BABIES ~Ardara, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen


Ireland / Scotland # 26-29 ~ brown Ireland

rugged ridge / on the road to Port ~ Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen
road / rugged mountain / on the road to Port ~ Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen
The Poisoned Glen ~ Dunlewey, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen
sheep / Atlantic Ocean ~ Port, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen
countryside / on the road to Glencolmcille ~ Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

Relative to not-what-I-thought Ireland would look like in yesterday's entry, I submit, as evidence, the below pictures. Although, I have included another picture, re; the green, green and more green of Ireland.

Read about The Poisoned Glen HERE.

Ireland / Scotland # 19-22 ~ as easy as 1 2 3

Poisoned Glen ruin ~ Dunlewey, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

figure in dunes ~ Tramore Beach, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

roadside Lady Liberty ~ somewhere in County Donegal, Ireland • click top embiggen

rusty shed roof ~ Ardara, Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

On yesterday's entry, it all depends upon how you look at it, John Linn wrote:

"And so, how would you categorize the three included pictures?"(in yesterday's entry)

In reply I would categorize them as follows:

TOP picture (grave yard) - while this picture is not without its merits, framing, organization and visual energy wise - as well as its interesting referent (especially of you like cemeteries) - I would consider it to be more a 'holiday' type picture. However, that written, there is little doubt about what the picture is about.

Middle picture (Whatcha Mc Collum's) - I kind of think of this picture as a transition picture hovering somewhere between 'holiday' and 'fine art'. While there is no doubt what the picture is about, it can raise some interesting questions such as: how can a thing on wheels be home to anything? Then the name itself says or at least tells the viewer something about the owner / proprietor. And, of course, it does exhibit a sense of humor. Is that enough to elevate it to 'fine art'? iMo, I think not.?

Bottom picture (milling around) - to my eye and sensibilities, this picture is knocking quite loudly on the door 'fine art'. Because of all of the disparate visual elements the most certainly uncertainty regarding exactly what the picture is about. An uncertainty most often expressed by viewers of many of my pictures, "Why did you take that picture?" Is it about the tree, the ruin, the stone walls, the people? And what about those people? Are they strangers to one another? Are they together? are they wiring for something to happen? Is there something behind the mound about which we are not privy?

In addition, once again to my eye and sensibilities, there is visual energy all over the place. The eye keeps in motion, careening around from one visual element to another within the frame and where it stops nobody knows. Yet somehow, it all hangs together and I could live with picture on a wall in my house for quite an extended period of time.

And so, to my eye and sensibilities, to be in contention as a 'fine art' picture (mine or those made by others) a picture must pose three questions:

1. Why did the picture maker make this picture? FYI, there may be no easy answer to this question. There even be no answer at all.

2. Is there visual energy in evidence? Does my eye move around within the frame with no obvious place to land?

3. Can I live with it on one of my walls for an very extended period of time and will it still draw me in and still hold my interest over that time (if not forever)?

That's it in a nutshell. No mystery and no arcane / obtuse artspeak. It's as simple as that (according to my eye and sensibilities).

Ireland / Scotland # 16-18 ~ it all depends upon how you look at it

grave yard ~ Ardara, County Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

Whatchta Mc Collum's ~ Ardara, County Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen

milling around ~ on the road to Glencolmcille, County Donegal, Ireland • click to embiggen


When I am finished making final pictures from Ireland and Scotland, I will have over 225 'final' pictures. Some of which are holiday pictures, some of which are more than that. My intent is to edit the pictures down to 60 selects to be printed in a book. Although, I am also giving thought to creating 2 books - one comprised of 'holiday' type pictures, one comprised of (dare I write?) 'fine art' type pictures.


What, you might ask, is the difference between the two types? Good question and one about which I have been pondering.

To my eye and sensibilities, the difference is along the lines of what one chooses to put within the frame of a picture. In the case of 'holiday' pictures, the content is about an specific object (people, places, things) - the replication / representation of a singular referent and everything about those pictures is aimed at drawing the viewers attention directly to, as Joel Meyerwitz states, "the copy of an object in space."

Hopefully, in the making of a 'holiday' picture, the picture maker is attuned to light, framing, et al in the cause of making a visually pleasing picture. If that attention to picture making detail is linked to an object of some interest, the picture maker will have a pleasing 'holiday' picture which can hold the viewer's eye for for more than just a passing glance. I have made my fair share of such pictures.

When I attempt to make 'fine art' pictures, while there is usually a singular object which has prick my eye and sensibilities but I am also drawn to its tenuous relationship to other unrelated things. Relationships which create a visual tension - I think of it as visual energy - which can cause 'vibrations' in the viewer's eye and sensibilities.

In other words, my pictures are about more than the singular object of my attention. They are also about light, color, shapes, and tonal qualities and the visual energy created by their tacit yet tenuous interaction / relationship. I want the viewer's eye and thought to careen around the 2-dimensional surface of the print, held in check only by the frame I have imposed upon the scene. Although, that written, the viewer's thoughts may try to break out of the frame in order to consider what might lie beyond.

For certain, a 'holiday' type picture is a much easier 'read' that is a 'fine art' type picture. Especially so if the viewer's sensibilities are not attuned - consciously or not - to those qualities which cause a picture to 'sing'.