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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

>>>> Comments, commentary and lively discussions, re: my writings or any topic germane to the medium and its apparatus, are vigorously encouraged.

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Entries in FYI stuff (144)


Pay attention, class

Yesterday was a banner day on The Landscapist stat-wise - record page views and return visitors, near record total visitors. Very nice....

....but, there were only 2 urban ku # 22 test papers handed in and one of those was from a smart-ass (the wife, although she did have a point of sorts).

Are you still pondering? Have you given up? You do understand that I'm just kidding about the "test", "grade", "teacher", and "class" things, right? I'm sincerely looking for feedback on what you think it means.



I've added a new ku photo gallery - Now with secure online credit/debit card and e-check purchasing



I have discreetly added a Shameless Commerce Division to The Landscapist. There is a new link in the Navigation column labeled Photography Books. Clicking on it will take you to a page with a link to the photography books section of I thought that a good source for discounted photography books would be of interest to my audience. Any purchases made via this link will realize a small commission for The Landscapist, which help defray expenses. Rest assured that there will never be flashing banners or ads plastered all over The Landscapist.

Feel free to comment.


A bit of a rant

I recently added a link to the blog, Joe Reifer - Words, Rambling about photography. At first, I added it simply because he had a link to my blog, but of late, I have added it to my personal list of daily places to visit. One of the reasons I did so was this article about how the anti-copyright lobby makes big business richer. I mention this as a backdrop to this post.

In the article the author, Sion Touhig writes, "...I'm a freelance professional photographer, and in recent years, the internet 'economy' has devastated my sector. It's now difficult to make a viable living due to widespread copyright theft from newspapers, media groups, individuals and a glut of images freely or cheaply available on the Web. These have combined to crash the unit cost of images across the board, regardless of category or intrinsic worth..."

Another type of activity that is conspiring to crash the unit cost of images is the photo contest most of which require the "winners" to transfer all rights to the winning photograph to the contest sponsor. The value of any monitary award associated with "winning" is a pitiful pittance when compared to what used to be the fair market value of such a transfer of rights by professional photographers before the advent of the so-called internet economy. Simply put, the contests are nothing more than an on-the-cheap copyright grab by corporations who are using the internet economy to drive yet another sector of the American economy out of business (if not actually out of the country).

I have recently been made aware of a photo contest that is little more than another coptright grab by a major corporation, in this case HP. The really nasty element with this contest though is that the photo contest is being promoted as members-only by an internet photo forum, - a site which claims to be concerned with protecting the copyrights of photographers who post on the site.

In this case, the copyright grab is rationalized by NPN's editor thusly; "I began to think about my own collection of photos, and how so many of them sit in a slide storage container - or on a CD - never to be seen again. Many of those forgotten photos, while of limited value to me, may be just what HP is looking for. He also wondered how "many superb photos by other NPN members meet the same fate."

So, the contest was born and in exchange for all rights, "winners" receive a HP printer, media and ink "worth" approximately $1,000 MSR. Approximately, my ass. First, the printer, media and ink can be had at discounted prices well below the stated MSR. Second, the actual cost to HP is well below the discounted cost to the consumer. Good deal - for HP.

It is intersting to note that the announcement of the contest was met with skepiticism on the first posted response, which questioned NPN's support of such a copyright grab. Another post mentioned that the contest "...sounds like a cheap way for HP to gain image rights. The issue isn't whether it is worth while to an 'amateur', it's a matter of getting what an image usage is worth regardless of professional status. In addition it undermines professionals who would have otherwise commanded much better usage agreements."

The publisher's response was "...Another way of putting it would be that HP is simply “looking for more cost-effective solutions to conducting business.” and, as for undermining professionals, he states that "...If this contest didn't happen here, it most certainly would have happened elsewhere - and perhaps with less favorable terms. " Wow, a genuine All-American champion for "favorable terms".

He also trots out the standard corporate-side free-market rationale that "the times they are a-changin'" Of course, the free-market-excesses apologists always leave out the part about how all the little squirrels on all their little treadmills just have to pick up the pace in order to keep up with the changes.

All of that said, the single most ballsy rationale of all is that none of the aforementioned matters because HP/NPN state upfront that they're going to screw you, and therefore, no one is fooling anyone. It's up to each indiividual to decide whether he/she wants to voluntarily bend over or not. Of course, if one chooses to get screwed, he/she can always take solice in the fact that he/she is screwing someone else in return.

Caveat - In the interest of fair and unbiased reporting, it should be noted that I was a contributing editor, forum moderator and frequent photo poster on NPN. I ended my participation on NPN after the editor had issues with me and I had issues with him. So, lest anyone perceive this post as a revengeful hatchet-job, it should also be noted that I have been a tireless frontline soldier in the copyright wars since my first days in commercial photography over 35 years ago.

Featured Comment: Joel Truckenbrod wrote (in part); "...Are "the times they are a-changin'"? You bet, but that doesn't mean that we need to be lemmings. What a shame. I can't think of any other art form where the artists are willing to part with their work for so little."

UPDATE 01/25/07: A minor battle victory in a losing war - Due to unpopular demand the HP/NPN photo contest has been withdrawn from NPN. A number of "minor" pro players on NPN raised enough of a ruckus to put an end to it. Curiously, all of the big players on NPN remained completely silent on the issue, although I am certain there was a good deal of back-board discussion going on.

Kudos to the minor players who kept the pressure on.

Interesting aside: HP, like all high-tech sector companies, are zealous in the extreme about protecting their intellectual and product copyrights. Apparently, where they live, that street has a One Way sign posted on it.


FYI ~ re: ku # 452

FEATURED COMMENT: John R. wrote (in part) regarding ku # 452; "...if you want to damn the entire genre of "grand and glorious landscapes" you are going to need to come to terms with the real artists in that genre. Can you so easily dismiss the entire Hudson Valley School...Are you prepared to say the Ansel Adams' spirituality is false...?

Publisher's comment: Perhaps you misunderstood, perhaps I didn't expalin enough. Let me clarify.

I am not dismissing the HRS of painting nor am I saying that AA's spirituality is false. What I am prepared to say is that both "schools" of addressing the natural world and humankind's relationship to it are the products of the cultural paradigms in which they were created. Paradigms, man-and-nature-wise, that are considered by many (myself included) to be outdated products of a by gone era. Some might even say that, in the present day, they are even harmful paradigms - that, in fact, they create "false" impressions of the state of the natural world and what humankind's relationship with it actually is.

Do I think, Soviet-style, that the works should be disappeared? That they need to be denounced or discredited? No, not at all, but I do think that they need to be viewed and understood and appreciated in the context of the cultural paradigms in which they were created and in the context of today's realities.

FEATURED COMMENT: John R. also wrote (in part); " consider your photos to be a form of prayer while others are worshipping false idols? Are you serious...?"

Publisher's comment: To my eye and sensibilities, I am indeed serious. As for others, to each his own, answer to your other related question - "Has any good ever come from calling someone else's focus of worship false while putting forth your own as the true belief? - of course good has come from many such judgements. Witness, as one outstanding example, the American Founding Father's beliefs versus those of European monarchies.

I would also opine that more good has come from a "true" understanding of various passages in the bible (like Bertrand Russell, I am not a Christian) which address "man's dominion over all living things". An understanding which includes the "true" notions of responsible stewardship rather than the "false" notions of irresponsible consumption.

And, photography-wise (which this discussion is ultimately about), IMO, the f64 Group, a group devoted to exhibiting and promoting a new direction in photography that broke with the Pictorialism then prevalent in West Coast art photography, did a good thing for the medium of photography.

In any event, dispite the use of phrases and words like "the divine" or "prayer", ku # 452 is not in any way meant to be a religion rant. I hope this adds some clarification to my comments.



In case anyone was wondering why I didn't post this past weekend, I was in south Jersey, and even though I took a disk with a few photos for posting, I found myself without an internet connection. Hard to believe in the center of all that "civilization", but...


some FYI

I really appreciate the feedback regarding the move to SquareSpace. It's been very helpful in determining how I have set this blog up. One thing in particular to note, several of you have commented that 900×900pixel image popups are too big for your screens. As much as I might like to purchase 20" Apple Cinema displays for everyone, I have decided that downsizing the photographs to 750×750 would be more cost effective. Please let me know if this works for everyone

Don't hesitate to comment on issues regarding the set up of The Landscapist. Anything I am able to do to improve it, I will.

A plug for SquareSpace - I have found blog set up to be very easy and intuitive. On the few issues with which I had trouble, their email support has been very efficient and helpful. SquareSpace has number of features that I haven't implimented yet - site and topic specific Disscussion Forums, direct image upload to private folders for those of you who might want a prints-for-sale gallery here - but will be adding shortly. All in all I would venture that it's hip to be square.


Let me know what you think

This might just be the way to go.

I like the gallery feature very much. No more pop-up comment window and posting a comment is on a page with the journal post. There is also a feature for visitors to subscribe to email notifications for updates.

Please let me know what you think.

PS - when and if it goes active, all previous Landscapist content will be found on blogspot.

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