It's time to take The Landscapist to the next level.
I like my home here on squarespace and it appears that the audience does as well. Each week every stat category goes up - more pages views, more unique visits, more returning visitors, more new participants comment-wise, etc. It makes the effort and time that I'm putting into this thing well worth it.
So, here's the plan - I have decided to create a Member's Section (module) and a Print (sales) Gallery (module) here on squarespace. The Member's Section will, for the moment, be fee-free. Hopefully, over time, the Print Gallery will subsidize any additional costs associated with the Member's Section.
Journal Entry privileges - posting photographs with text - in the Member's Section will be granted by invitation or approved application for privileges.
My criteria for granting privileges is simple. First preference goes to those with bodies of work/works-in-progress - the number photographs in the work is not important. The notion of pursuing a coherent objective which is defined by even the simplest of artist's statement is. Bonus points awarded to those who are also willing to "exhibit" a minimum of 6 photographs from the work in the Print Gallery at real-world prices.
In my perfect world, each photographer with Member's Section privileges would also be exhibiting in the Print Gallery.
So there you have it. Invitations are going out SHORTLY. If I don't already know your work, you won't receive one. So, if you don't receive one but are interested in this, PLEASE APPLY (send me an email).
As always, any feedback is appreciated.