even more FYI

As I was setting up the Kitchen Sinkist Project page, I came to the realization that I can create a Member's Section on The Landscapist. What that means is this -
In order to create the KSP page and give participants full editing capability (in that password-protected section only), I had to upgrade to the most expensive package Squarespace has to offer. This package allowed me to add "editors" and create "permissions" for those editors to edit - create journal entries - in specific areas (modules) on The Landscapist. It also increased my photo storage space and my bandwidth allowance in order to handle the extra load.
So now I have capabilities that I can use in various ways. One way being a Members Section - a module that allows "members" to post photos and get feedback (comments). This module would be separate from my Journal in the same manner as the KSP module is. Member entries would be by date but, within the module, there would be Journal Categories organized by member name. Clicking on a name would go to a page of just that member's entries.
Membership would be by invitation and/or my review of membership requests. I have no desire to have a Member's Section with a zillion members.
I am in no way trying to turn this into a member site. Any visitor to The Landscapist would still have full access to the entire blog and full commenting capability on all journal entries (mine and members) - they just wouldn't be able to post photos/journal entries.
And, here's the catch, there would be a modest - $20-25.00 US - annual fee to defray the cost of even more storage space and bandwidth.
Once again, let me repeat, I have no desire or intent to create a members site - I just have additional capabilities now that could be put to fun use.
What do you think? Please let me know what you think. I am not going to do this unless you out there want this capability on The Landscapist.