cvilized ku # 2233-35 ~ no artistic risk, no art

Flower detritus ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Foot / hand / bed ~ Rochester, NY • click to embiggen
Dead xmas tree ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK• click to embiggenIn the recent entry, civilized ku # 2224, I quoted from Joerg Colberg's essay, Photography After Photography? (A Provocation) in which he stated that "every picture has already been taken". In the same essay, Colberg also asked:
What can you photograph when every picture has already been taken? Well - isn’t it liberating to know that every photograph has been taken already, so now you can really take your photographs?
In the preceding quote, I have emphasized the word "your" simply because isn't using the medium and its apparatus all about making pictures which reflect, not only what you see, but also your own personal way of seeing it? That is, as opposed to picturing what you have been told is a good picture and, concomitantly, how to picture it.
In answer to my question, I would have to venture that, in fact, for most "serious" amateur picture makers, pursuing a form of personal vision is not what the medium and its apparatus is all about. For them, the primary objective seems to be making pictures with which their family, friends, neighbors, and online picture forum and/or camera club associates can identify with the word "wow", or, the phrase "that's a nice picture". To be certain, there is nothing inherently wrong / evil /stupid about that pursuit - it's just that there are those who desire to move beyond that self-reinforcing circle.
IMO, in order for those who desire to advance beyond the "norm" to succeed, they must overcome a number of obstacles, not the least of which is fear, or, more precisely stated, the fear of rejection. That is, being able to explore many picturing possibilities with out the fear of being having your from-the-inside-out work and your psyche rejected,criticized, or outright ridiculed. I mean, as Kermit stated, "it's not easy being me".
In his essay, and IMO relative to "fear", Colberg stated (and I agree without reservation):
Art without a trace of chance, a trace of an accident isn’t art. No artistic risk, not art.
As far I am concerned, finding one's vision is all about taking a risk, going out on a limb, picture making wise. Start making pictures of things you have never made pictures of before, or, for that matter, even thought about making pictures of before. And, just to throw all caution to the wind, make those pictures in a manner you have never done before - like, say, use just a single lens, preferably a fixed focal length lens. If you don't have fix focal length lens, tape a zoom lens to a fixed focal length and resist the urge to remove the tape for about a month or two.
Think of it as playing. In the digital domain playing is cheap, not like film days where playing could get to be very expensive. And, as long as you're playing, also think of it as fun. You've little to lose and maybe, just maybe, a whole lot to gain.
Reader Comments (3)
I was going to comment on civilized ku # 2224, but here you have written much of what was in my mind. I did the photography club thing a number of years ago, but it wasn't for me. I used to read all the "how to take photographs" books too, ad nauseum! I tried to tap into the "arty farty" stuff. And as a result my photography was never very satisfying, more frustrating really. Age and experience has given me the confidence to photographically exist in my own psychological control room. In it, I can be myself regardless of anything/one else, but I can look out the window to see what's going on when I want to. We are all at different stages of our own journeys and I've learnt not only to be comfortable with where I am, but also to know how to carry on moving without worrying about where it's leading me to. I just try to be honest about what I'm doing. It's all so much more satisfying.
It's been a while since I have had to look up a word used by you. For those who don't have the where-with-all to admit ignorance, here's a little assistance.
con·com·i·tant [kon-kom-i-tuhnt, kuhn-]
1. existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way; accompanying; concurrent: an event and its concomitant circumstances.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you posted that photo of your own foot. I seem to end up with lots of photos of my own feet (whether by accident or intention during an idle moment) - and I can't make sense of why I take them.
Just seeing that convinces me that I'm not completely crazy after all.