civilized ku # 2232 ~ picturing interruptus

Whitebrook Dairy Bar ~ Wilmington, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenThe other evening as I was traversing the landscape and making pictures of the lovely light upon landscape (see civilized ku # 2230-31 / ku # 1145-47), my picturing was interrupted by a stop at the Whitebrook Dairy Bar where I enjoyed a soft-serve vanilla ice cream in a cone.
But, as it turned out and is evidenced by the picture of the dairy bar, my picturing wasn't actually interrupted at all.

Featured Comment: Sven W (no link provides) asked: "Did the fluorescent tubes create any colour cast issues? How do you deal with that?"
my response: the picture is presented with very little color adjustment. There was a very minor amount of global WB and color adjustment (with Curves) applied to the image but no local correction / adjustment for the florescent light.
That's because the outdoor florescent lights had yellow glass which actually created a color balance that fully complimented the warm late day available light. And, IMO, the interior florescent lights didn't cause enough of a visual disturbance to necessitate any color correction / adjustment action.
Reader Comments (2)
I think that you live a charmed life! :)
Really like the quality of the light in this image - both exterior and interior.
Did the fluorescent tubes create any colour cast issues? How do you deal with that?