civilized ku # 2365 / ku # 1201-10 (rain # 45-55) ~ death, decay, and dormancy - pt. II

Autumn color # 12 ~ Jay, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 13 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 14 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 15 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 16 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 17 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 18 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 19 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 20 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 21 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 22 • click to embiggenAs promised, here's the rest of the rainy day Autumn Color pictures.
I am curious to know, of the all the pictures from yesterday's and today's entries, which picture do you think is most Autumn color cliché-like and, conversely, which one is the least cliché-like? As always comments are appreciated.
Reader Comments (5)
Most cliche - #15
Close runner up if you would have PSed the power lines #10
Least Cliche - #1... and extremely funny to me in this particular context... the perspective overlay of the signs and the architectural details on the barn made me laugh out loud
You did't ask but for what its worth
my favorite by far and to me exquisitely beautiful #11
Mar, Cliche or not, what I see here is an appreciation for what you see in the season. I really enjoy this series! I love #14 (I love pictures of the ground). #16 says fall to me... the color changes, some leaves on the ground, some still clinging to the skeleton of a tree.
I feel the same way about rain and its effect on color and natural materials. After a long, dry summer I anxiously await the arrival of the rains in later fall. Then the cameras come out and my photography season starts in earnest.
Since you asked...
cliché-like: 10, 15, 20 and the one I pointed out in an earlier post as a favorite, 7.
Not cliché-like: most of the others but I am not in love with 4 and 22 as they to me do not have focus either in subject or composition... just my option of course.
So the question of cliché-like is interesting because to me that does not mean "not good"... it only means more familiar in concept.
Bottom line I agree with Andrew... this is a nice series.
Most - #9
least - 18, 21 (tie)
Cliché or not, I like #12. My daughter said she sees a whale in the background, and I'm seeing it now too...