civilized ku # 2364 / ku # 1191-1200 (rain # 34-44) ~ death, decay, and dormancy

Autumn color # 1 ~ in the vicinity of Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 2 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 3 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 4 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 5 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 6 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 7 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 8 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 9 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 10 • click to embiggen
Autumn color # 11 • click to embiggenIf I could be accused of "chasing the light", it would be attributable to the fact that there is nothing like a rainy day to get me out and about in pursuit of picture making. Although, truth be told, it's not the light to be had on a rainy that draws me out, it's the complete atmospheric package which tickles my eye and sensibilities.
The light on a rainy day is rather flat and not very conducive to rendering the features / details of the landscape. However, the rain itself transforms the landscape with a fine mist (during a heavy downpour, not so fine), occasional fog, and a saturating effect on everything it touches so that the colors of the landscape, natural and man-made, become deep/dark, yet muted. Plain and simple, I just like the way things look on a rainy day.
That written, I mentioned in today's earlier entry that I was out and about with the intention of making pictures of Autumn which avoided the generic screaming fall foliage genre. Picturing in the rain certainly provides a good head start on that objective inasmuch as it stands diametrically opposed to the ubiquitous sunny Autumn day pictures which we all know and love(?). But that's not the whole of it.
While most think of Autumn as a rather celebrate-the-color season, the fact remains that Autumn is as much about death and decay as it is about riotous color. Beneath the color, there is a natural process of shutting things down and the beginning of a slow slide into dormancy and it is that aspect of Autumn which I appreciate the most. IMO, it's just as joyous as the radiant color of Autumn, simply because it's all part of the wonder of life.
At least that's how I see and picture it.
FYI, this entry is comprised of only half of the pictures I made during my recent out-and-abouting. I'll post the other half tomorrow.
FYI # 2, for those of you interested in such things, unlike my normal / regular picturing M.O., a fairly inordinate (for me) number of these pictures - #s 1, 5, 7, 9, and 10 - were made using my Zuiko 50-200mm f2.8/3.5 lens. This lens is anything but small so mounting it on any of my E-Px cameras results in a look akin to the tail wagging the dog. Fortunately, the lens has a rotating tripod mount collar so I mount the lens to the tripod, not the camera. BTW, it's one of sharpest lenses (at all focal lengths) I have ever owned. And, picturing in the rain wise, it's also sealed against dust and moisture.
Reader Comments (1)
Number 7 is my pick... not a lot of fall color but nicely included in the subtile backdrop.