single woman # 13 ~ wanter at work

In a restaurant ~ NYC, NY • click to embiggenColin Griffiths stated/asked:
I've just spent a year using the 20mm Panasonic lens more than any other lens I own and love the results it's given me, not just for the quality of prints I can produce, but rather because I've just found that a prime lens has had a liberating effect whilst I'm out and about. I would be interested to understand why you desire this new lens so much. Is it because you believe it will produce better resolution, or because you can reduce DOF or it's more suitable for low light conditions, or for some other reason?
Like Colin (whose pictures I admire), I too have been using the 20mm f1.7 Lumix lens for the past year a or so. Unlike Colin, I have been using it almost exclusively in the making of pictures for my ku and other bodies of work. It is a wonderful lens (primes rule!) and it is possible, in a much more restricted world, I could live with it, and it alone, for all of my personal "art" picture making.
However, there are times - my single women series as an example - when I could put a lens like the new µ4/3 Leica Summilux 25mm f1.4 lens to good use. In the single woman work, the extra light gathering capability, the decreased DOF, and the ability to picture from a slightly greater distant from the subject would very desirable and greatly appreciated. And, believe it or not, I do make pictures of family and friends and the lens would make a better portrait tool than than the 20mm Lumix.
In any event, those are the reasons I want one. Whether I actually get one ....
Reader Comments (1)
Thank you for answering the question, I guess that I've never ventured into situations where I've needed such a lens. Thank you also for the compliment. No bullshit, but coming from someone with your photographic experience and level of visual literacy it was both appreciated and encouraging. I am sure that you are aware that your photographs are extremely thought provoking and make some of us ask questions about our own work in many ways.