FYI ~ I want one

Panasonic has announced a forthcoming (August) µ4/3 Leica Summilux 25mm f1.4 lens. I want one.
I have a 4/3 Zuiko 25mm f2.8 lens which, with an adapter, mounts on the EP-1. It will probably end up on eBay once the Leica Summilux lens becomes available. It is my fondest hope that the word "Leica" does not mean the lens will have a stupid price tag.
Reader Comments (3)
You can be sure it will.
The Leica name sure has an allure, which translates to $$. The extra f-stop is nice but your camera will not be so pocketable anymore. Wonder how much IQ difference there will be?
I've just spent a year using the 20mm Panasonic lens more than any other lens I own and love the results it's given me, not just for the quality of prints I can produce, but rather because I've just found that a prime lens has had a liberating effect whilst I'm out and about. I would be interested to understand why you desire this new lens so much. Is it because you believe it will produce better resolution, or because you can reduce DOF or it's more suitable for low light conditions, or for some other reason?