ku # 908 ~ in ano est

Bloom (work-in-progress) ~ Cherry Hill, NJ • click to embiggenOver the past week or so, I have been playing around with the pinhole thing and a few BW images which has caused Sven W to write ...
Pin-hole cameras, B&W images ... Mark has found a new muse or re-discovered some old ones?
... to which he could now add, "flowers" - and live ones at that (my normal preference for picturing flowers is that they be of dead/dying variety).
In response I can only state that I am, at this point, just screwing around and having some fun, picture making wise. How any of it might eventually fit in to my picture making scheme of things is pure speculation. Although, the flower thing is undoubtedly a very temporary aberration.
The BW thing is, at best, an itch that required an immediate scratch. I can't see me forming an in-depth attachment to it. And the pinhole? - at this point, I see it as a fun thing although that doesn't necessarily preclude the possibility of a series or body of work emerging from its use.
In any event, once I am back in civilization - or is that, "away from 'civilization' (so-called)" - and I have time to think about something other than how humankind can so thoroughly screw up a good thing, the State of New Jersey as a prime example, I will be responding to all of the comments on those subjects, as well as others, made over the past week.
Today, it's off to coma-girl's graduation where I will personally award to her a sash that proclaims ...
Meus caput capitis est in meus ano
... an award and honor which has, at least temporarily, she has snatched from her brother's grasp.
Reader Comments (1)
"Meus caput capitis est in meus ano"
Google Translate is suggesting that this means: my head is up my butt