civilized ku # 858 ~ a clarification

Avocado ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenFYI, my regular blogging schedule has been interrupted over the past couple days by the disruption of having 10 house guests roaming around our premises. It is further disrupted by today's prep for a 2PM departure for a 400 mile drive to Williamsport, PA. where I will spent tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday AM just hanging out while the wife attends a seminar. Then it's on the road back home where another couple house guests will be awaiting our arrival (for a 3-day stay).
Nevertheless, I will have daily entries beginning tomorrow AM. There probably won't be much else to do in Williamsport what with the Little League World Series only on tap during the month of August. But, hey, if there is anyone within the sound of my voice who resides in or around Williamsburg, just give me an email jingle and maybe we can get together.
That said, and before my 2PM departure, I did want to answer a question from Larry that read:
.... I noticed some entries back that you made a point of referring to the chef as gay. Why was that an important observation that needed to be shared with your readers?
For reference, this is the part of the entry that Larry was inquiring about -
.... The dinner that followed was also very enjoyable, especially so because having 2 chicks (the wife + 1 house guest) and a gay guy (who is a NYC chef) around the house makes for great eating with very little involvement in the prep, cooking, and cleanup from me. Sitting around sipping some wine or a bourbon while others are busy as beavers is a very pleasant way of getting things done.
my response: in no way did I think that referring to the chef as "gay" or, for that matter, the women as "chicks" needed to be shared with my readers.
That said and within the context of the entire entry, what it was my intent to share with my readers was a satirical poke at social/cultural gender/sexual stereotyping. And, I should like to point out for those who didn't "get it", social/cultural gender/sexual wise, I played the role of the fat and lazy male chauvinist/sexist pig.
There was no intent to injure or insult, with the exception, of course, of real live male chauvinist/sexist pigs who, IMO, need all the insults they deserve.
PS to Larry - I'll be responding to your other question in tomorrow's entry.
Reader Comments (5)
Ah, Williamsport. My neck of the woods, though about an hour north of where I live (State College) and quite a different place (ie, destitute).
In Williamsport, you can always grab a beer at Bull Frog ( Or, if you have the time and are willing to drive, head down to Milheim for a meal at Elk Creek Cafe. Well worth the drive. (
"I played the role of the fat and lazy male chauvinist/sexist pig", I thought you have have been doing so when I first read it! :)
I can assure all readers, that if I were there at the time, I would have been referred to as "a black guy" or something like that. You can rest assured that I would have taken no offense and none would have been intended.
Jimmi Nuffin - hey boy, a colored butler would have been a nice addition to the work crew.
My aunt and uncle live in Williamsport. Make sure you check out The Bullfrog Brewery downtown, Millionaires Row neighborhood and The Peter Herdic House for fine dining.