civilized ku # 1188 ~ shedding a little light

Parking lot fence and light ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenAs I mentioned previously, our local newspaper has a feature called "SpeakOut" which allows anonymous letters / comments to be published. I assume the idea behind this feature is to let people "speak their minds" without fear of any form of reprisal/blow-back, although, retort/response is allowed. As an added bonus, the feature can be highly amusing inasmuch as if you don't laugh, you'll most likely cry.
That said, whatever the reason for it, people are speaking their mind even if it's only the size of a pea. Today's case in point (in its entirety):
The protesters are complaining about everything they see without sound reasoning behind it. Even though many of these people are educated, no coherent thought is employed in their actions. Where did they acquire their points of view? Why are they so off base? I think our education system is to blame here. These people have has their minds crippled by teachers and professors on the far left as part of their control agenda. If you think this is not true, talk to some of them, they spit out Marxist theology more than traditional American values of fairness and justice.
Now, I won't go into the author's totally "off base" idea of Marxist theology or his/her ignorance, re: the made-very-plain POV of the Occupy movement. A POV which clearly states (and the author obviously misses) that their many broad-based concerns are, in fact, centered around the loss of the "fairness and justice". A loss made possible by the moneyed corruption of the American political and financial worlds and spheres of influence. No, I won't go there simply because the author, by dint of his/her words, has the odor of a Fox News true believer, so what would be the point?
That said, where I would like to go is to the doorstep of the notion of "traditional American fairness and justice".
Why is it nearly every time I hear/read that phrase, or one very much like it, it is coming from the mouth/pen of a white upper middle class / wealthy person, most often of European Protestant descent? Although, Fox News and the Republican echo chamber (or it the other way around?) seems to have white lower class people - a class that hasn't experienced a lot of fairness and can't afford a lot of justice - believing in the loss "traditional" American fairness and justice as well. But why is it, be they "educated" or not, they all have no notion of - or perhaps more accurately, choose to ignore it - the actual history of "traditional American values of fairness and justice". Exactly what "tradition" are they citing?
Are they referring to the "tradition" of the fairness and justice accorded to native Americans? The "tradition" of the fairness and justice meted out at the Salem witch trials? Perhaps it's the "tradition" of the fairness and justice dealt out to one successive wave of American immigrants after another - you know, all those non-white / non-Northern European micks, spics, wops, kikes, hunkies, chinks, slant-eyes, slope-heads and their ilk?
Or is it that "tradition" of the fairness and justice experienced by black Americans before the Civil War and continuing thereafter with beatings, lynchings, and denial of basic human dignity and and the rights accorded (theoretically) to all Americans?
On the other hand, it just might be the "tradition" of the fairness and justice experience by children in all of those unregulated free-market sweatshops? Maybe it's the "tradition" of the fairness and justice dealt to union organizers by the early Captains of Industry and their Pinkerton minions? Or, quite possibly, they are referring to the "tradition" of the fairness and justice American women have enjoyed throughout our history?
I mean, there are so many fine examples of the "traditional American values of fairness and justice" it's difficult to know to which ones they are referring.
But, of course, by the mere fact of even mentioning all of these (there are countless more) fine examples of "traditional" American values of fairness and justice, I must just be - it's so obvious - one of those commie, pinko, socialist, elitist, and "mind crippled" far leftists working on the "control agenda".
Reader Comments (4)
While we may not agree on the value of "Twig Photography", Mark, I think we're probably in perfect agreement on this issue. Like you, I simply don't get these kinds of comments. And many of them appear to come from people who aren't rich (or even well off). They'd like to be, but they aren't. For some reason, they seem to think that if they regurgitate this nonsense from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Anne Coulter, they'll be granted honorary status in "The Club".
Why on earth, for example, would these people support an end to all economic regulations (and a "return" to the so-called free market system) when it would inevitably make their own lives worse?
I have to laugh, though, at the poke this person makes at the educational system. My mother-in-law once accused me of brainwashing my wife with the "liberal ideas" I'd absorbed in college. Yeah, right. SUNY Brockport is a bastion of left wing ideology and propaganda.
No light shedded here. Just more spewing of left hatred . There will come a time when you will long for our "traditional" American values of fairness and justice. Just spew more hatred and get everyone in the streets burning and distorying. Then a leader can step up with a solution, "tyranny". You guys need to read history. This never end well.
Is another Civil War on the horizon? But this time worse. Not North against South but neighbor against neighbor. A fight over Liberty and Tyranny. This not Dems vers Reps. It's us against mega corporations and corrupt government,ie statism. Which side are you on? Let's see... Obama donations from Wall Street, the most ever of any candidate... Money to failed corporations... GE pays no taxes, benefits from green energy... owns NBC and MSNBC... congress insider trading... 15 trillion in debt... and on and on and on. You connect the dots, and you want more government?
We have to stop playing into their hand by expecting them to provide us with everything. The heart and sole of America will never accept some utopian version socialism. We will stand up! We are awake and ready!
The quoted piece could have written by Roseanne Rosannadanna. Oh, and I think Ron proves Paul's case.
Ok. I concede. Let's tax the rich and take the money and payoff the debt. No, let's payoff our political buddies so that we can stay in power. Freddie and Fanny need some more money and Goldman Sachs. While we at it Bank of America and JP Morgan, since they obligated us to bail out the EU, they will need a lot. Let's give everyone a house, car, food, payoff their loans, medical care. Have I left out anything? Jobs? No. No one will need to work. Hummm, maybe the rich don't have enough to pay for all of this. No problem, the Fed create all we need. A little inflation won't hurt anyone and if the world collapses, well I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Maybe we can be part of a one world government and we can all live as one. Just imagine, it's going to be great.