ku # 688 ~ its all good

Vernal water and submerged ice • click to embiggenRelative to yesterday's entry and pictures that lie or tell the truth, Martin Doonan stated:
I have just as much problem with those out to make things appear worse than they are (and much news coverage seems to be going that way) as the pretty picture, saturation to 11.
As far as I'm concerned, a picture that deceives or misrepresents is a lie. Period. How big/harmful a lie it is is another topic.
However, what often bothers me when the idea of telling the truth, picture-making wise, comes up is the notion that the opposite of pretty landscape / nature pictures is ugly landscape / nature pictures. The idea that to avoid pretty, one must seek out ugly is, IMO, completely off the mark.
Pretty and ugly may be at opposite ends of the spectrum but, IMO, there's a whole lot of gradation in between. The inability to see or discover the many shades of that gradation can quite simply be chalked up to lack of imagination coupled with cultural bias.
Reader Comments (2)
From where I'm sitting (a very dry South Australia) this image is very serene and welcome.
The ice below the water makes the surface of water appear as if it was painted. I'm sure you're not using some kind of "Art" filter ;-).
Sven - you're right on the money, no "art" filters were used in the making of this picture (or any other picture I've ever made).
that said, the reflection of the sky was on just water, no ice. The submerged ice is yellowish/greenish formation at the top of the picture.