civilized ku # 432 ~ more stuck in my head

Abigail Adams and dried flowers • click to embiggenAnother thing that I've read recently that has stuck in my head:
"We are in an exceptional time for photography as the art world embraces the photograph as never before and photographers consider the art gallery or book the natural home for their work" ... The democratization of technology now ensures the continued surplus production and distribution of the photographic image ... (raising) the specter of the medium's collapse ... crashing under the weight of its endless profusion. ~ from Starburst: Color Photography in America 1970-1980
Feel free to venture an opinion ...
Reader Comments (5)
"Died" flowers as in dead or as in dyed, tinted, artificially artfully colored?
Very applicable to today's photography
Mike - actually, it's neither dead nor dyed. It should be (and now is) "dried" flowers.
they died.
If lots of people sang in the shower would that raise the specter of musics collapse?