civilized ku # 427-429 ~ into every life, a little rain must fall

Shadow transitions • click to embiggenWe've had a couple days of relatively early-Spring-warm weather and lots of sunshine.
What this has brought to my attention is "the light" - most specifically, "the light" with sharply defined shadow shapes. I guess that's because it seems like our Winter has been dominated by "grey" days. In any event, I have been preoccupied with the notion of light and shadow and the above triptych represents, amongst many other things, the last pictures made with my EP-1 prior to sending it on its journey to Olympus America for warranty repair.
Just prior to making the triptych pictures, the camera was sitting on my desk (after making the following red sled entry) when, as it was powering off, it made a new and unfamiliar sound. When next I turned the camera on to start the shadow transitions pictures, it made the same sound and, after the screen came to life, I noticed that the IS icon was blinking red.
Long story short, after consulting the manual and Olympus tech support, it was determined that a blinking IS icon indicates an Image Stabilization System Malfunction. While the camera continued to make pictures despite the malfunction, it was obviously in need of repair.
So, it's time to dust off the E-3 and reintroduce myself to some heavy metal.
Reader Comments (5)
As the US Marines say, "IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME,"
Semper fi
I really dig that shadow transition series. By the way, I know it has been a while, but I finally got around to making a little self-published book. I know you have Shutterfly as a sponsor/recommendation/whatever but I gave a try (I liked their software a bit better). Like all the others, you have to create an account, but if you're curious--the order number is 1451815 and the password is 2975914. Perhaps we could do a little book trade?
Mark, do you mind if I grab that trio of shadow images to show to my photo classes?
Hi Beau - feel free to show the shadow transitions pictures to your photo classes - if you do, let me/us know about any comments or feedback.
If it is possible, I'll check out your book - mypublisher is, or used to be, a PC only service. I've never tried it as I am a Mac guy.
mypublisher is available for the mac (i'm a mac guy too)
stay tuned for student reactions to the transitions pics