civilized ku # 426 ~ details

Spring sunlight • click to embiggenIn addition to the aforementioned shadow shapes, sunlight has been streaming in our windows creating some interesting light shapes.
While picturing this scene, I noticed a very small detail that I paid particular attention to while framing the scene. IMO, it's a rather neat and "surprising" little detail that, once you notice it, really tends to dominate the picture.
Anyone want to venture a guess as to what the little detail is?
Reader Comments (17)
The wire and diagonal highlight?
Could it be the decorating aesthetic shown by the wife?
IMO, it is the shadow cast by the shelve bracket.
Firstly, I noticed the 'S" shaped shadow of shelf holder - then I began noticing the extreme diagonal highlight falling across the "box' and onto the toilet lid. As one studies this image (or any other) there are many little details that appear upon further investigation.
". . . I paid particular attention to while framing the scene"
Or, could be the turqouise blue rim of vessel at top right frame?
I think the shelf holder shadow looks like a penis.
I agree with Matt. Although it could be, with your suggestion, that I was forced to look for something, and I chose that highlight/wire as a possibility and stuck to it.
Might I suggest leaving it unanswered for a while, so that those of us who are interested may come back another time, in another mood and see if something else captures our eye, or if we will be influenced by the power of suggestion of others.
OH MY GOD!!! I look again and there is a face! The radio plus the box on the toilet equals a face! And further more your next post, with the creatures is a hint. Do I win a TV?
Yes! I see it too! Clearly, it's the face of the Virgin Mary to the left of the vase on the wood molding. Genuflect. Say 10 Hail Mary's. Copying this to New York City. Prepare for visitors in the morning!
Based on Mark's tip of "a very small detail", I noticed the small reflection on the right-hand side of the cistern lid - it looks a bit like a [cartoon] face.
Could it be that you put the seat down?
Somebody with glasses om is smokimg a pipe.
I see a pipe smoker too. The shadow of the hair brushes make for some spikey bangs, the shelf bracket a little bowl pipe and a square jaw. Then there is a long neck and the toliet top shadow makes for some sloping shoulders. Have you been talking to this man in your bathroom Mark?
A 'small detail' appears when I link the 'gentle vertical wave-form line' cut into the side of the taller ceramic 'pot' (holding hairbrushes), and see the 'echo' of it in the vertical (electrical cable?) to the radio, underneath the glass shelf.
Addendum to my last post.
That 'gentle vertical wave-form line' also occurs a third time in the reflected light on the extreme left edge of the cistern 'lid' (a 'back kicker') from the vertical highlights on the painted wallboards.
For me, it is how the flush handle is perpendicular to the angle of the shadows/highlights. In a lot of your pictures there seems to be that sort of relationship. (Like the sled image below) Just that little element keeps my eyes in the frame. They start at the strong highlight, travel to the handle, then are turned back up to the shelf shadow, on to the shelf, across to the cord and down to the starting point.
Looks like someone likes to listen to finely reproduced music while having his session on the thunderbox. The Tivoli's a bit bass heavy, IMO, but that would be good in this situation.