ku # 665 ~ lunch on Lake Champlain

Eagles on the ice on Lake Champlain • click to embiggenThe whole notion of Jean Keen's outrageous eagle-feeding stupidity up in Homer, Alaska is only exceeded by the mindless parade of bird-brained photographers who are also, in their own stupid way, feeding on her stupidity.
Why anyone would be attracted to the idea of picturing eagles in a situation where "without leaving the comfort of the vehicle, head and shoulder shots are readily available" is utterly and completely beyond my comprehension. Add to that the notion that "... Perhaps the surroundings on the Spit were not the most natural of settings. Perhaps the feeding of the birds is affecting the ecosystem ..." and the whole idea seems not only absurd but also aesthetically and ecologically untenable.
FYI, I don't get the use of the word "perhaps" in the preceding paragraph - "Perhaps" a spit of land adjoining a trailer park and a parking lot is "not the most natural of settings"? "Perhaps" baiting 200-300 eagles out of their natural habitat and habits "is affecting (sic) the ecosystem"?
Perhaps? Do ya think?
Fortunately, and I don't mean this exactly as it sounds, Keen is now dead and the whole feeding fiasco is coming to an end. The eagles, as many as 200-300 day that gathered for the free lunch, are now free to return to being eagles, as opposed to imitating trained monkeys for lazy-ass photographers. One can only hope that the eagles have not become so dependent upon Keen's misguided efforts, that they are unable to disperse and scavenge for themselves.
FYI, I got out of the comfort of my vehicle to make this picture.
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