civilized ku # 331-37 ~ taking the show on the road

Bambi, me & my lethargic focusing EP-1 ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Airstream trailers ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Bambi front ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Bambi back ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Airstream propane tanks ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Rusty bumper & taillights ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggenYesterday afternoon, while running an errand, I stopped into GSM Vehicles - on the grounds of the former USAF base in Plattsburgh - and asked for permission to wander around what amounts to their Airstream trailer recycling bin to make some pictures.
I have always been a devotee of Airstream trailers simply because they are such stunning examples of modern industrial design. Somehow, someway, an American company has managed to avoid catering to the more typical American standard of bad taste and wretched excess and still make money and stay in business. Hell, on my last visit to MOMA, there was an Airstream trailer from their permanent collection on display in the lobby.
The truth of the matter is simply this - put me in a 1950 Studebaker convertible (with the old lady, of course, but with me behind the wheel)
A bitchin' ride • click to embiggen with a Bambi hitched up to the back and Ricky Nelson's Travelin' Man on the radio, I'm so far gone (literally and figuratively) that I might never come back. And, even if I did come back, I would give very serious consideration to parking the thing in the backyard and living in it.
Although, the Bambi being kinda small and all, the wife and the pretty Seniorita and my cute little Eskimo and my China doll and the pretty Polynesian baby and my sweet Fraulien would have to live in the house. No problem with that solution that I can see.
The way I figure it, $100K should get that show on the road so I'm thinking I'll put one them "Support The Landscapist" donation buttons on the sidebar. Once on the road, the proceeds from my Rolling Thunder Reality & Truth Picturing Review & Workshops should keep the tank topped off, some grub and beer in the frig, and ink and paper for the Epson in good supply.
The more I think about, the more I am certain that nothing can go wrong with this plan. Cuz I'm certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the the wife is just achin' to get out on the road with me for a month or two as my photo assistant / go-fer. And, on top of that, living in such tight quarters for a month or two would just add to the romantic thrill (rhymes with "kill") of it all.
Reader Comments (2)
A 1950 Studebaker and an Airstream, as John would say, Oh, but ain't that America
For you and me
Ain't that America
Something to see, baby
Ain't that America
Home of the free, yeah
I'd probably never own a minivan unless Ford was serious about this concept...