(guest entry) A few photogs to peruse...

© Nuri Bilge Ceylan • click to embiggen
Hello Landscapist followers. I'm the son of the landscapist (or SOL) and I'll be filling in some posts this week as he and the wife are off on a European vacation. I hate to disappoint, but I'm going to avoid the health care debate like the plague and stick to issues of photography.
Before I delve into any shameless self promotion of my newest work, I'd like to share a few links to photographers that were very early inspirations of mine. To fit in with the scheme of things here, I have chosen mostly landscape photographers.
The first photographer is a filmmaker and photographer from Turkey named Nuri Bilge Ceylan. I believe (I read this somewhere, but cannot find original source now) his photography began from location scouting for his films. The images were so beautiful and striking that he was able to make a career out of those images alongside his films (which I have yet to see).
© Nuri Bilge Ceylan • click to embiggen
Give a gander at his series cinemascopes (named after an anamorphic lens series used from 1953 to 1967 for shooting widescreen movies, not to be confused with my cinemascapes which are a homogenization of cinema and landscapes). Unfortunately there are only 20 images on that site now. There used to be 4 pages and almost 50. Not sure why that has changed?
In the meantime, I'll dig up a few more artist to share.
Reader Comments (10)
Hi there junoir! Nuri has been a favorite of mine as well. Stunning panos taken at a time of year when most photographers put their gear to rest. Winter is underrated, especially in Turkey.
yes indeed svein... and it's not hard to guess why some put away the gear. That first photo of his above looks rather uninviting. Gusty winds, drifitng snow and cold.
Since you're a fan as well, have you seen any of his films?
note: that'll be me commenting as SOL this week. SOL = son of landscapist, or ANY other acronym that fits. ;)
Nope, sad to say I haven't. Have you, and if so, are they worth getting? I'd have to import them so they'd be pretty expensive.
I have not either... they're available on Netflix (in USA) or amazon.com. You can even pay $2.99 on amazon to rent one and watch it online. Not sure of the quality though.
Thank you Aaron
Heh Aaron,
Glad to see you're running the show for a while, and I can do w/o the health care debate.
I've not seen these photos before, but have seen one of Ceylan's films, titled in the U.S. on Netflix as Distant. I wrote about it here some time ago. He does seem to like working in the winter, when this particular film was shot. The opening sequence is a long pre sunrise setting in the snow - no doubt, bloody cold. Only one other Ceylan film is available on Netflix at this point.
Thanks for the link.
no problem michael.
Hey Kent, I see that film has a "watch it now" feature. I'll check that out. Thanks.
For the record, I've ordered three of his movies. Will let you know how I like 'em (I'm a movie buff watching at least 300 films a year).
that's great svein!