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civilized ku # 205 ~ getting outa town

20 Main on Main Street ~ Au Sable Forksclick to embiggen
In a little over an hour from now, I'll be getting out of town - driving to Montreal (picking up the wife along the way, getting on a plane to Paris, then getting on plane to Florence, then getting in rental car and driving to an olive orchard/farm just outside of the Tuscan village of Arezzo where we will be staying in a quaint stone cottage that overlooks the olive orchard and the Tuscan countryside. I am fairly certain that I will spend 7 days immersed in wine, women (the wife), and song Italian-style.

In the meantime, Aaron (The Cinemascapist) will be posting entries of some of his new work for your commenting and viewing pleasure. I'll have plenty of pictures when I return.

That said, let me leave you with one of life's enduring mysteries:

Though nearly 22 percent of the state’s (Louisiana) adult residents have no health insurance — one of the highest rates in the nation — pollsters and political experts say voters in the state are overwhelmingly against Mr. Obama’s health care proposals.

How the f**k to Republican politicians do it - getting so many people to vote / campaign against their own self-interest? You know what I mean - in addition to the above, how do they convince so many lifelong poor / middle class people to vote against higher taxes on the wealthy?

Maybe Svein-Frode had it right when he opined that so many Americans would indeed rather be dead (read, "socialist") than Red.

Reader Comments (2)

F**k the ignorant fools. Let them vote against their self interest. I think it's greed -- "Some day I'll be rich and then, when that day comes, I certainly won't want to pay taxes to support my fellow citizens in any way whatsoever."
When will we learn we're only as well off as the weakest and the poorest. No pockets on a shroud.... I think Americans really believe they can live forever and take it with them (even though they aren't going.)

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike O'Donoghue

I noted on the coverage yesterday another phenomenon of self-interent in this area: growing support for the proposals amoung those with coverage due to the spiralling cost of insurance. And yet, little thought to covering those who have none, nor any debate about why US healthcare is so expensive to provide.

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMartin Doonan

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