FYI - bonus offer

Chinatown seafood market ~ NYC • click to embiggenIn just over a month, my son, Aaron - The Cinemascapist, will be conducting a workshop + exhibit here in the Adirondacks.
The workshop + exhibit that offers a very unique feature:
Unlike most workshops that seem to end anticlimactically with a short review of each attendee's results, this workshop finishes with a group exhibit at a local contemporary art space [ 7444 Gallery ] complete with an opening reception, press, local artist and members of this very unique community.
FYI, the (no additional cost) prints for the exhibit will be made by yours truly.
>>>>> There are only 2 (of 8) spots left for the workshop + exhibit. I thought that some of The Landscapist crowd might be interested in this, so, to sweeten the pot, if anyone reserves a spot and mentions that they saw it here on The Landscapist, as a bonus I will make myself available to you (at the time of your choosing) for a couple hours of conversation, beer drinking, or whatever else might interest your fancy photography-wise.
Here's a chance to participate in what will undoubtedly be a very interesting workshop + exhibit, a visit to the Adirondacks - the largest wilderness in the eastern US of A, and the opportunity to let me know what you think about me, my pictures, and my blog.
How's that for an offer you can't refuse?
Reader Comments (1)
I accept. I don't remember where I found out about Aaron's workshop, but it was probably here (I'm a regular). And I'd enjoy the opportunity to talk/drink beer.