ku # 610 ~ up a lazy river

Last evening ~ West Branch of the Au Sable River • click to embiggenBeginning tomorrow AM the wife and I and The Cinemascapist and Brandy and Hugo and the guy from France (and maybe Joe) are out of here for a much needed and eagerly anticipated 4 day wilderness canoe trip.
We may even luck out with the weather. Unlike the last 2 weeks which has been rain, rain, rain, the next 4 days are forecast to have only "scattered" showers. That said, we won't be experiencing typical (for there here parts) summer temperatures - daytime highs are expected to be in the 65-70˚F range with night temperatures around 45˚F.
One good thing about all the rain we've had is that we won't be scraping the bottom of the canoes on submerged rocks 'cause they're really submerged. Water levels are at near record highs.
I'll be back to my regularly scheduled posting routine late Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.
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