ku # 610 ~ on the other side of the camera (again)

Early evening on the West Branch of the Au Sable • click to embiggenSo, one day I'm sitting here on the Group W Bench and the phone rings. I answer it and, scratch my back with a hacksaw, it's Rachael Ray calling and wanting to know if I would do a guest appearance on her TV show. Would I prepare one of my wilderness-experience gourmet meals (click on the Nessmuk & Stoddard Trekking link) for her and her husband (and film crew)?
I say, "Sure, why not?" So now I'm working with her people to set it up. The shoot date is July 21st out in the Adirondack wilderness where I and my guest chef will cook it up Hollywood-style for all the Rachael Ray TV world to see.
Truth be told, until the phone call, I didn't know Rachael Ray from Adam - I'd heard the name but I've never seen the show. I've still never seen the show but I am amazed at how many people here abouts positively love Rachael Ray - if I had a nickel for every person who has asked to "help" me with the shoot, I'd have a lot of nickels.
At this point I have no idea when the segment will air. When I do, I'll let you know.
FYI, this is the 3rd TV show that I and my wilderness / gourmet experience has been/will be featured on - hence the "(again)" in the entry title.
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