man & nature # 187 ~ let's swap

Rock, water, and flora • click to embiggenOn yesterday's entry I mentioned making a folio in order to be able to reciprocate Michael Gordon's pledge to send me one of his work. And, as mentioned, it's been on my mind to make one (or more) regardless.
What has also been on my mind is to set up a section on the blog for folio sales and exchange - I would really like to start collecting work from others and the idea of folio swapping is a great way to do without any $$$$ involved in the transaction.
In an effort to jump start the idea, I'll print - at no charge - folios (up to 12 prints each) for the first 5 respondents to this offer. The only hitch is that I would like to get this done within the next 2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
How about it?

Featured Comment: Don wrote: Mark, just curious, when are you going to announce the winners of your free print offer?
My response: Sorry for the delay on this - I have been sidetracked by a number of time-consuming things, the first Rachael Ray shoot and another one next Monday as well as a birthday wilderness canoe trip, to mention just a few. In addition, the first paper I purchased did not meet my expectations so new paper type is on its way to me as I type.
The printer is working fine and has a new set of fresh inks installed so as soon as the paper arrives - should be tomorrow - I'll run a few test sheets and be ready to go.
That said, I'll notify the "winners" by the end of the week.
Once again, sorry for the delay and thanks for all your patience with this.
Reader Comments (6)
Mark, just curious, when are you going to announce the winners of your free print offer?
I like the idea Mark and have been thinking along the same lines about creating a folio. Anil's collection inspired me a great deal. The presentation was simply beautiful and distilled down to what seems like the essentials. A very manageable way to pull a cohesive, smallish body of work together and present it in a cost effective way with elegance. It was truly a wonderful experience leafing through his folio.
The time limitation would be impossible for me at this point though. My time and energy has been directed lately toward getting my youngest prepped to head off to college and helping my older daughter get set up in a new apartment. I do however, plan to make folio building a priority project once this nest of mine is emptied out!
I'd be interested in doing a folio swap.
Mark - I'd be interested in a folio of yours as well. I'm in the process of processing some images in hopes of getting a folio or book together.
Hi Mark,
I'd also be interested - another Matt. It would be an excuse to print up some of the images that have been tugging at me lately.
I'm definitely interested in a small portfolio swap. I typically swap one-for-ones with some of the local Bay Area photographers, but I wouldn't mind a folio of multiple prints.