man & nature # 185 ~ meet Michael Gordon

Pushing the seaplane off the beach • click to embiggenLate Sunday night I had a nice surprise - an email from Michael Gordon, a California-based photographer of my (internet) acquaintance. He was on his way to Lake Placid for some hiking, canoeing, and picture making.
I've never meet Michael in realtime but over the years we have exchanged a number of emails on various things photography-wise. He seemed liked a nice enough fellow and he is certainly a very accomplished picture maker so I was quite eager to get together with him.
Consequently, we met yesterday evening - he was between the hiking and canoeing parts of his visit - and it was a delightful and entertaining time. We barely talked about picture making, had a lot of beer, a little liquor, and generally shot-the-shit about the Adirondacks (his first trip) and life in general.
Michael assured me that a folio of his work would be on its way to me soon at which point I will have to reciprocate by printing a folio of my work - something I have been considering since I received one from Anil Rao.
FYI, Michael conducts a fair number of photo workshops out West and his speciality, although not exclusively, is large-format picture making. After meeting Michael I would not hesitate for NY moment to recommend him to anyone looking to attend a landscape / nature photography workshop.
BTW, today's picture was made by the wife, processing by me.
Reader Comments (1)
Hi Mark! Home safe from NY. What an awesome trip. We ended up paddling the Bog River to Low's Lake and staying at site 17 (that awesome 18 site was taken). I got the incredible close-range loon experiences (and songs/calls) that I wanted! It was incredible and magical.
It was really great meeting you. Thanks for your voice mail and extending the offer; much appreciated. I loved it up there, so you can bet that I'll be back at some point.
Anytime that you might come out my way, the reverse offer is also extended. We have an excellent selection of beverages available :)