man & nature # 159 ~ accepting your fate

Pouring rain through the car window • click to embiggenAs is often my wont I headed out during yesterday's rain torrent with the idea of picture making in the rain. And picture-make I did.
However, the rain was coming down so fast and furious that I had to give up on the idea of getting out of my car to make pictures. So, rather than giving up on the idea, I decided to picture from the driver's seat. At first the intention was to lower the window - after having maneuvered the car into some pretty strange positions on the roadway - and have at it.
That idea lasted through only 2 picture making attempts (successful) because both me and the car interior were getting soaked even with the briefest of exposure to the rain. So, it was at that point that I decided to just go with the flow - that is, making pictures through the flow of the rain cascading down the driver-side window.
And I have to say that I am rather pleased with the results, 2 of which are displayed herein.

Featured Comment: Cedric wrote: "I reverted to this sort of photography recently when we went through prolonged rain periods in my part of the world. Like you I quite enjoyed it though mine came out somewhat differently as I focused on the rain rather than the scenery... 1, 2, 3
Cedric, thanks for sharing.
Reader Comments (1)
I especially like your photo on the right.I reverted to this sort of photography recently when we went through prolonged rain periods in my part of the world. Like you I quite enjoyed it though mine came out somewhat differently as I focused on the rain rather than the scenery... -1-, -2-,-3-.