man & nature # 158 ~ he's back

Donnelly's Soft Serve ice cream stand, Donnelly's Corners • click to embiggenI'm back.
The worst is over and as a matter of fact the worst wasn't all that bad, just time consuming. And, most of that time was spent waiting for downloads and installations to happen. It's worth mentioning that the single most time consuming task was backing up my Applications folder, my Home folder, and my Font folder and that this was done as a precautionary procedure, not as a mandatory one.
I was informed by Apple Support (which, BTW, cheerfully refunded my support fee after I asked why I was paying them to fix a problem that they caused) that backing up those folders was not necessary when performing an Mac OS Archive and Install installation. However, since they indicated that would not come to my house and spend 2 days reinstalling everything, I went for the back up.
That said, the Archive and Install when soothly and after a few additional bits of Apple software updates, I was up and running almost as before. I did have to re-calibrate my monitor, a few Photoshop bits required re-installing, and a couple minor system settings required re-setting but that was it.
I also feel that I must state, primarily for Seinberg's benefit, that this incident is the very first one that I have experienced since I began using Macs back in 1992. Of the very few other problems that I have experienced almost all of them were limited to 3rd party software (like the recent Epson driver issues).
And, every single problem I encountered, to include this one, was a simple user fix - a software re-install or a or software update install and things were A-OK.
That said, I wouldn't give the troubles that my Windows friends have to a monkey on a rock.
Reader Comments (2)
Like the honest view on Apple, better than the usual fanboy nonsense. That said, it's more trouble than I've ever suffered with Windows XP,where most of the (minor) problems I have are from 3rd parties too. Adobe is a big offender in that regard with some very sloppy programming.
Have to agree with Martin. Have run XP for years now without a hitch (knock on wood). Hardware can sometimes be an issue when it fails, but the OS is just fine.