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« orange peel on plate | Main | civilized ku # 169 ~ if I had a boat »

man & nature # 131 ~ life is but a dream

Albany Crew ~ Glen Island, NYCclick to embiggen

Propel, propel, propel your craft,
Unforcefully down the liquid solution.
Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically,
Existence is merely an illusion.

~ King Friday XIII's version of Row, Row, Row Your Boat
as shown on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood

Relative to yesterday's concept of interior-exterior worlds / it's all inside your head, I must admit that I do, in fact and like all people, have a very active "life" inside my head. And, I do believe that, at best, it is very difficult to get inside the "life" that is inside the head of others (not to mention how difficult it is for many to avoid the ego-centric belief that the life inside their head is the only life that matters) ... but, I also believe that if we could all share more of those lives-inside-our-heads with one another we just might discover how much of what we think of as our own unique "private' thoughts are, in fact, shared ideas and thoughts.

And, I also believe that photography with its inherent characteristic of being a cohort with/of the real is an ideal medium for making fetish objects / signs, aka - pictures, objects in and of themselves, that are capable of directing one's attention to the external world so that one might temper the life inside his/her head with a more universally shared reality, aka - being grounded in reality, as they say.

On the other hand, maybe I'm just a dreamer and I need to get grounded in the reality that nothing is real.

Reader Comments (1)

Without our various societies we'd be unable to speak or think. We are utterly obliged to our fellows for all we think and say.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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