ku # 554 ~ wave after wave

A slide in late afternoon light • click to embiggenThe second wave of guests arrived last evening and the last of the first wave left this AM.
Unfortunately, a member of the first wave left something behind - a nasty stomach virus. So far it has claimed me, the wife, and Hugo. But, as they say, there's a first time for everything - the wife and I are sharing the same sick bed. That's never happened before and I miss her waiting on me hand and foot.
On the other hand, it's reassuring when you return from the bathroom to have someone in the same condition to share your misery with. Did I mention that the virus' main feature is wave after wave of ....
Reader Comments (3)
A lot of folks over here on the other side of the continent seem to have the same affliction. Small comfort, I know, but...
Think of this (from the "It Could Be Worse" file) - my father (he's 84) came down with it at the end of a tour of Europe last fall. The tour folks showed no mercy: "You WILL be on the bus at 8:00 a.m., ready to roll out!"
My sympathies on your temporary discomfort. Nice guests!
Montezuma's Revenge. Karma for stealing a hemisphere. The sins of the fathers and all that. Or just bad bad karma for letting your gov't continue its global killing spree. I thought the reason Americans are armed at home is to enable them to take up arms against gov'ts that are no longer acting on their behalf and throw same out. Get to work - revolt.
And get better soon.
I'm just soooo glad you had your new toilet installed for this unfortunate episode! Speedy recovery to you, the wife, and Hugo and anybody else that gets it while visiting your house.