man & nature # 33 ~ The Adirondack Coast

above ~ top, looking at Lake Champlain from the road dropping into Essex, and, bottom, looking back at some of the Adirondack High Peaks from the same spot • NO click to embiggenThe Adirondack Coast ~ Lake Champlain • click to embiggen
Once again, it's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody, albeit, in fact, it was Labor Day Monday. The wife was off to Philadelphia to deposit coma girl at school, so I decided to venture over to the Lake Champlain Region for a round of golf, dinner, and some picturing.
We live in a state park in a village that is somewhat of a geographic oddity. Approximately 25 miles to the SW of us is the heart of the Adirondack High Peaks - rugged wilderness with 46 peaks over 4000 ft. The same distance to the SE is the Lake Champlain Region (AKA, The Adirondack Coast) - a 130 mile long lake with gentle rolling farmland and quaint New England-style villages dotting the shoreline. The 2 areas could hardly be more different from each other. In fact, it's difficult to think of them as part of the same Adirondack Park.
Yesterday, after golf, I traversed a 20 mile section of the Adirondack Coast from Westport to Willsboro, stopping at a dockside restaurant in the village of Essex for dinner. The village of Essex in its entirety is registered on the National Register of Historic Places. It is home to one of the most unspoiled ensembles of Federal and Greek Revival village architecture in rural America. To say that Federal and Greek Revival architecture is different from the rustic, twiggy, bark, log, and camp architecture that dominates the rest of the Adirondack Park is a vast understatement.
FYI, the mountains across the lake are the Green Mountains of Vermont.

FYI: it appears that scrollbars DO NOT appear on the popup windows if you are using the Explorer browser, at least that's the report from some Explorer users. I can't say if they are using the latest and greatest version of Explorer or, even if you are, that the scrollbars will appear.
I would appreciate any and all feedback on this issue. Are scrollbars appearing for you? If not, what browser are you using?
This is just another great example of the tower of babble that results from competing software - good for the developers who are looking for captive audience cash flow, bad for the users who looking for across the board functionality.
It also seems that once, you have a popup window open, opening another popup before closing the first one will cause the second one to be the same size as the first. No problem as long you have window resize capability. If not, close one window before opening a second one.
Reader Comments (9)
Click to embiggen.....right!!!
Can see the first, 1/2 of the second and that is about it.
Jim - what browser (and version) are you using? I get scrollbars in the newest Firefox and Safari. Aaron does as well (different location/computer).
Scrollbars in latest Firefox.
ie 6.I see scrollbars but they are grayed out. This is a work machine so I can't change IE to the new version.
Same here as Jim. Work computer and IE. Usually I can click with the scroll wheel and I get a little arrow icon and if I move the mouse it moves the pic, but not with the big pic here.
Scroll bars work in Google Chrome; now how long has that been out...?
Windows IE 7 - scroll bars and everything working fine
There are scrollbars and a resizing grabpoint in both Opera 9 and Firefox 3.0.1. They work fine, but as you mention, clicking a thumbnail for embiggening opens a new image in the same window - not the way it used to work, a new window for each image. I'm not happy with this change.
IE 7 on Win XP SP3, I get scroll bars on the popup pic windows