civilized ku # 100 ~ dis 'n dat

Stairway - Everson Museum ~ Syracuse,
NY • click to embiggenJust thought I would use today's entry to mention a few things.
Thing #1 - wind farms: Svein-Frode, I agree that we need to cut back on consumption but, until that happens, I still think we need to continue to develop sustainable energy alternatives to coal-burning energy generation.
Paul Maxim wrote that he liked the picture of the wind farm. He wrote that there were many elements in the picture that could contribute to notions of symbolism and meaning. One element that he mentioned was the fuel truck chugging up the hill. It is a fuel truck (heating fuel). And there could have even been more meaning if the sign on the side of the truck was visible - it read Adirondack Energy.
Paul Maxim also mentioned overpopulation as a root cause of many environmental problems that we currently face and are likely to face in the future. I completely agree and have been talking about this for decades. I had a vasectomy over 25 years ago (after child #2). But, like a lot of other stuff I talk about, nobody seems to be listening.
Thing #2 - Galen Rowell: an anonymous commenter using the name hotelier took great umbrage regarding my opinions about Rowell's photography and his opinion regarding photography. Hotelier did so in the classic web-flamer idiom - that is, by NOT addressing my opinions, but rather by assailing me personally and labeling my photography as "crappy", "utterly mundane", and "inferior to my (his) Aunt Sally".
To which my only response is - IMO, I am entitled to an opinion. And, as long as I keep my opinions addressed to the issues, not the personalities, at hand, I am entitled to express those opinions - especially on my own blog (which is not being rammed down anyone's throat).
IMO, the only thing hotelier said right was, "Goodbye".
Thing #3 - scrollbars: After lengthy correspondence (3 weeks or so) with SquareSpace support, I eventually got them to understand that the code I was amending to get scrollbars in their prior software version was, in fact, code generated by their software and not custom code that I was inserting. At that that point, they stated that the code had changed in the new software and the ability (which I was apparently the only SS user who utilized / amended it) to add scrollbars would no longer be supported.
Then suddenly, out of the blue a day or 2 later, and without any effort on my part, all of my popup windows have scrollbars.
Since I have had no indication otherwise, I must assume that someone at SS did something and that this is not a result of some sort of supernatural intervention. Therefore, I would like to say, "Thank you" to whomever that someone might be.
That said, despite the fact that I have had to figure out how to NOT have scrollbars on every popup, only on the ones that I want to have them - which I believe I have accomplished on today's entry.
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