man & nature # 38 ~ picturing from the graveyard

A sign of things to come • click to embiggenFYI, you all have Mel Fuentes for putting us over the top, comment-wise and thus ensuring that The Landscapist will remain as a photography blog.
Now, I am not promising that politics / economics will not rear its ugly head from time to time, especially over the weeks leading up to Nov. 2 ...
That said, today's entry is short and sweet because, while mom and dad are off to LA for Aaron's latest gallery show opening, Hugo is here for an extended visit. So here's a quote for you to chew on for a bit:
Remember, that the original state of the minds of uneducated men is vulgar, you now know why vulgar and commonplace works please the majority. Therefore, educate your mind, and fight the hydra-headed monster-- vulgarity... Vulgarity astonishes, produces a sensation; refinement atracts by delicacy and charm and must be sought out. Vulgarity obtrudes itself, refinement is unobtrusive and requires the introduction of education. ~ Emerson
BTW, the answer to yesterday's game was Split Rock Rd. - and only Don knows whether his guess was a good guess or the fruits of prior knowledge.
Reader Comments (1)
Nope never been there, wherever there is. I just thought it was a good guess from a place I had been called Rock Cut Rd. because...............