man & nature # 37 ~ whistling past the graveyard

Erractic split in half • click
to embiggenFor the past couple days, Don has been opining for a return to the good 'ole days:
We now return you to our regularly scheduled photography blog ... and, A silence fell upon the can we get back to photography, I am 3 credits short of passing this class.
Well, Don - your wish is my command but I feel compelled to correct your statement re: "A silence fell upon the masses".
Point in fact - there have been over 1,300 pages views, over 750 unique visits, and 29 comments in the past 3 days. Now I certainly don't want these statistics to be used out of context or to obscure the fact that these numbers represent real people, but that is a bit of a bump over a more average 3 day span, especially the number of comments. It seems that people are more interested in making comments about the free market than they are about photography.
In any event, here's an attempt to lighten the load - The halved erratic pictured in today's entry is found sitting in a field along a very short road. Anyone care to venture a guess as to the name of that road?
BTW, If I don't get more than 9.666666 comments (the daily average for the past 3 days), I am converting this sucker to a political blog.

Some of you might be looking at the number of comments on this entry, seeing a 11 and breathing a sigh of relief. But, by my official count, the number is really 7 because cheerleader entries from the wife, admissions of prior knowledge, and second comments from the same commenter DO NOT count.
That said, there some good guesses - Salute to Right Wing Free-market Apologists Ave. and Schism Street are amongst my favorites. Split Rock Road also has a nice ring to it.
Reader Comments (16)
Short Road? The stone almost appears to be an Easter Island head
from the angle that it is shot from. Hmmm? Something can appear to something else depending on the "Angle" from which it is viewed. Interesting.
Ummmm, Palmer Street?
Government highway?
Only 6 more responses to go. Come on gang!
Erratic Avenue?
stone st.
boulder blvd.
rocky ridge.
Splitrock Rd.
Cracked Court? Twin Peaks Parkway? Schism Street? (Don beat me to Splitrock Rd., dang it.)
I must refrain from commenting, since I travel this road frequently on my way to the Bloomingdale Bog corridor...most times as I pass this erratic, I think of Mark's picturing and wonder when he'll make this particular landmark part of a I know. I enjoy the use of shadow between the rocks and the long shadows cast this time of year by what I believe are trees just outside of the frame...summer's trying to hang on...fall/winter are on the way...I can feel it in this picture...
James I know! James gave it away for me by mentioning the general whereabouts of this rock. I haven't seen the rock, but I am pretty sure I know the road name now.
So what does the winner get?
Moon Rd. or Big Butt Alley or Salute to Rightwing Free-market Apologists Ave?
Bloomingdale Street
I probably spelled it wrong, Split Rock instead of Splitrock.
How about Rock Rd. or Bolder Way.
Broke Rock Road?
I know this wouldn't be the name, but it reminds me of one on the Ethan Allen Training Site where I do a lot of my NG training and we call it the BFR. Everytime I see a large erratic, that is all that comes to mind. Oh well.