civilized ku # 93 ~ going, going ....

HUgo's 4th birthday party • click
to embiggen Man, does time fly. Hugo is 4 years old and turning into a full-blown kid.
And, speaking of time flying by, we have some hardwood trees that are sporting full-blown autumn colors. That's very unusual for early July ... no ... wait ... looking at a calender I notice that it's not early July. Maybe my misperception stems from all the rain we've been having. It feels more like late Spring than late Summer.
Oddly enough, even though I feel like it's early July, I remember the 4th of July fireworks like it was 4 months ago. I am definitely out of whack time-wise.
Reader Comments (1)
a very good reminder to shoot now and shoot often. I am not looking forward to the frozen finger photography that will consume most of my shooting in a few short months.