Shore Light ~ Book One

This is a test - While finishing up my Shore Light ~ Book One and Book Two POD books on Shutterfly, I noticed the ability to post this on my blog. It's little slow (if you use the "Play" button) and a little small in the window here but, if you click on "view this photo book", it will take you to Shutterfly where the book is bigger and faster.
FYI, the "Play" button starts an auto slide show. Using the forward / back buttons gives you control of page turning. Using the scroll bar / button lets you go through the spread thumbs to any point in the book.
FYI #2, I have added 20 more pictures - "re-processed" pictures from 2006-07 - to the Shore Light website. By nature of the alphabetical ordering (by picture title) of the gallery, the new pictures are sprinkled throughout the gallery. IMO, they blend seamlessly with this year's pictures.
As always, I would appreciate knowing your thoughts.
Reader Comments (2)
I didn't realize Shutterfly let you do that - a neat option. Too bad the preview is so small, but your images do read at this reduced size.
A couple of thoughts:
1) The book starts and ends w/ Hugo - our future.
2) It's nice to see people for a change. You/we don't include many people in "landscape" photography, but the beach - at least in the condition it's in - is really about people and how they've altered the landscape.
3) I don't get the overall picture/concept of Shore Light. Does this make me a "zombie?" I don't know Meyerowitz's Cape Light, but I'm holding a copy of his A Summer's Day in my lap, and the title says exactly what is inside. I think you've got a lot more going on than simply Shore Light. But that title confuses me.
As always, wonderful work. Thanks for sharing.