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ode to Eggleston

Call me Oblioclick to embiggen
Late Sunday AM, Hugo rolled into the kitchen with a wizard hat saying, "Pretend I'm the kid in The Point movie - Oblio."

So, of course, we called him Oblio for a while but I was immediately struck by an overwhelming desire to picture Oblio on his roll-y thing in the manner of Eggleston's tricycle picture. Now, if I can only sell the picture for something near the $250,000 Eggleston's photograph brought at auction in 2004.

Reader Comments (1)

Nice satire on the classic.

I've always wondered why that particular Eggleston shot became the iconic one. Not doubting it's quality but why not one of his others? Was it because Szarkowski put it on the cover? Or something else about it?
(And why can I never speel Szarkowski without looking it up?)

May 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMartin Doonan

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