man & nature # 9 ~ ups and downs

Flowers and hydrant • click to embiggenI have been spending some time surfing the web for photo blogs of interest - man, there is a lot of crap out there. A few gems have surfaced but along the way a few bummers have showed up. Two in particular, struck a note of interest with me.
One entry on What Was I Thinking is about photographer Chip Simons - a photographer whose work I have known about for quite a few years, mostly through commercial photography publications. His work always seemed kind of "out there", which I liked, and he seemed to be doing quite well in the commercial photo biz.
In any event, I haven't been following much about the commercial photo biz for a number of years, so this piece caught my attention when I came across it. Be sure to read his Bio for the whole story about a photographer who had and lost it all.
Then there was this piece, An Argument Against Photography, which is basically the opposite of the Chip Simons piece - a rant from a photographer who never got it (at least not yet) ....
These pieces are apropos of nothing in particular - I just found them interesting.
Reader Comments (2)
Re: Argument against photography...
I don't want to make a living. I want to make Art. I have a difficult time seeing that which is done primarily out of commercial interest as being Art, just like when you bed a hooker you're definitely having sex, but you're not Making Love. Only the latter is worthwhile, IMO.
I'm quite happy where I am and the $6000.00 Canon lens is still on the menu.
Whew. Well, after reading that I feel rather like I've been rolled over by a truck or something...