FYI ~ a change

You may have noticed one of the changes I have made here on The Landscapist - a category named picture, no words.
My intent with this is to post pictures (at this point, my pictures - but that could change) without words - other than a caption - in order to put a bit more emphasis on the idea that it's all about the pictures.
My hope with this is to stimulate discussion / conversation about pictures in and of themselves rather than the usual discussion / conversation about the medium of photography.
Where this goes is anyone's guess but many of you who have responded to the survey have mentioned that The Landscapist is one of the few blogs / sites on which the medium of photography is discussed beyond the realm of the technique / technical - a trait that many of you find of value in figuring out, for yourself, things photographic.
IMO, opinion there is much to be learned - for me and for you - from conversation / discussion about the results of all that figuring.
Let's give it go.
Reader Comments (1)
you may remember some time ago an invitation to such a group, Pictures, that invite is still open.