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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

>>>> Comments, commentary and lively discussions, re: my writings or any topic germane to the medium and its apparatus, are vigorously encouraged.

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« man & nature # 65 ~ a new learning curve | Main | man & nature # 63 ~ turn it on »

man & nature # 64 ~ all together now

Chain link fence, clinging vine, and autumnal decayclick to embiggen
Over the past few weeks the number of visits / visitors to The Landscapist has taken a very significant jump.

One of the reasons for this - aside from my superb photography and my captivating / scintillating writing, of course - is the fact that many of you provide links in one form or another to The Landscapist. In fact, I appreciate this so much that I want you to send me money.

No, I'm not looking for a donation. What you'll get in return for a measly 25 bucks American (plus shipping) is a signed 9.5×19 inch archival print of my Chain link fence, clinging vine, and autumnal decay triptych (pictured above). It's a beauty.

This offer is for the entire Landscapist audience, not just those who have provided a link because, and I mean this will all sincerity, I really do appreciate each and everyone of you.

Just send me an email and I'll respond with the details on a method payment and shipping that works for you.

FYI, I have selected this triptych for this offer because I think that it illustrates this thought on the medium of photography from Bernice Abbott:

What the human eye observes causally and incuriously, the eye of the camera notes with relentless fidelity.

Reader Comments (2)

What a most excellent offer! I am looking forward to getting myself a copy. Keep up the great work and don't let the naysayers get you down.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeau Harbin

Count me in for one.

It's an interesting grouping. I'd be interested to understand your thinking behind the sequence.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMartin Doonan

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