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« urban ku # 41 - 2 types of memory and a little bit of meaning | Main | Mundane Suburban Neighorhood Shots with Partially Cropped Cars »

ku # 464/civilized ku # 13

Diningroom window viewclick on photo to embiggen it
Spring-like melt on day 1 of Daylight Saving Timeclick on photo to embiggen it

Recently, I have become enamored of this window in our diningroom. For whatever reason, it seemd to offer more than a window on the world. As a matter of fact, it really isn't so much a 'window on the world' as it is a window on the bush-world outside of the diningroom.

The gnarly twisted cedar 'bush' that lives next to the house presses right up against the window and creates a kind of 'filter' through which light trickles and streams in broken shafts and pin-pricks. It also hosts rain droplets, ice and snow, as well as a few birds now and again. I swear that, as a weather indicator, it's more dependable and whole lot more enjoyable than the thermometer we have outside the kitchen window.

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