Mundane Suburban Neighorhood Shots with Partially Cropped Cars

In a case of Mistaken Browser Window Identity, Joe Reifer left a comment meant for another blog (gasp!!) on my Speaking of Words topic that goes like this; "Awhile back I noticed how a lot of 70's color street photography had cars everywhere. Shore is a particularly good example. After discussing this issue with a friend, I started a group on Flickr as a lark called
Mundane Adirondack Neighorhood Shot with Partially Cropped Snowplow • click on photo to embiggen itMundane Suburban Neighorhood Shots with Partially Cropped Cars, or MSNSPCC for short. It's officially a trope now."
Joe sent me an email in which he explained the error of his ways and he also wrote that I could delete it, but, in an attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, I thought that I'd leave it intact in case you were looking for something to look at on a Sunday afternoon.
Reader Comments (3)
Hi Mark -
I hope a few people get some enjoyment out of my space out -- thanks for having a sense of humour about it. Your snowplow photo would actually qualify for MSNSPCC, as our manifesto allows any land vehicle. I really like the placement of the telephone poles/wires against the treeline in your shot.
Joe "which blog is this?" Reifer
i have a simular group on flickr: the one wheel club. it explores the the fact that cars seem to stick a foot into many pictures taken for other reasons.
I'm not sure that I would agree with Joe that this shot is mundane...;)