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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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Entries in civilized ku, manmade landscape (1505)


civilized ku # 3024 / painting vs photography ~ abstraction vs realism

porch railing leaves ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
painting vs photography # 1 ~ • click to embiggen
painting vs photography # 2 ~ • click to embiggen
painting vs photography # 3 ~ • click to embiggen
painting vs photography # 4 ~ • click to embiggen

First things first ... a disclaimer of sorts. In the past I have made it known that comparing the art of painting to the art of photography is somewhat of a fools errand. While they may have a limited number of shared characteristics, they are at the root level very different forms of image creation, both in the manner of their making and, iMo, how they are viewed / perceived. And, it is regarding the viewed / perceived characteristics that I have been pondering.

Weekend last, I was in an artists cooperative gallery which displays photography, painting, and a limited number of handmade objects (jewelry , sculpture, and the like). For the most part the work on display is of reasonably decent quality. While there, a couple paintings caught my eye and sensibilities and that set me to thinking about how, when viewing a painting vs viewing a photograph, I have rather different expectations.

Foremost amongst those different expectations is quite simple and should be obvious to most. Re: paintings, I expect to see a somewhat "abstract" impression (subject) of whatever referent the artist has chosen to paint. Re: photographs, I expect to see realistic representations (objective) of the referent the picture maker has chosen to picture*.

To wit, subjective information or writing is based on personal opinions, interpretations, points of view, emotions and judgment. Objective information or analysis is fact-based, measurable and observable.

an aside: Even though the medium of photography is defined by its capability to make objective pictures, that does not mean that a picture made with the medium and its apparatus is not made with emotional and interpretive intent nor does it mean that the picture maker has not employed personal opinion and judgement. end of aside

All of that written, what has lingered in my head is the notion that most people who are interested in viewing and/or acquiring visual art lean heavily to the medium painting rather than that of photography. iMo, the reason for that is simple .... most people (critics and curators excluded) want art that provides them with an escape from reality. A mental and emotional safe haven / oasis that allows them to escape from the trials and tribulations (such as they might be) of every day life.

FYI, this observation is not meant to be a disparaging comment on those people or the art that they prefer. It is merely an observation. And it is that observation which instigated me to "convert" a few of my pictures to painting-like images.

When all is written and done, I have little doubt that most people, when confronted with those pictures side-by-side on a gallery wall, would chose the painting over the photograph. And that they perceive the painting to be more of an art object than the photograph.

*I do not consider one form of art or the other to be inferior / superior. I judge work (painting / photography) on entirely different criteria with each given the respect and consideration it deserves.

Any thoughts on the matter?

signs # 13 / noir covers / photo noir #7-8 ~ just thinkin'

road work ahead ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen
Noir book covers V2 ~ • click to embiggen
photo noir # 7 ~ • click to embiggen
photo noir # 8 ~ • click to embiggen

Ain't talkin', just walkin'


civilized ku #3023 / noir covers / photo noir #5-6 ~ hotdogs 

restaurant fireplace ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Noir book covers ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
photo noir # 5 ~ • click to embiggen
photo noir # 6 ~ • click to embiggen

Even though, in all probability, most of my submissions to the Photo Noir exhibition judging will be BW pictures, in the book I am working on the pictures will be in color. The reason for that is simple ... inasmuch as my pictures of the dark / night are not made with the intention of evidencing bleak pessimism, and a lurking sense of danger (although, dependent upon the perspective of a viewer they might be interpreted in that sense), color works better than BW. Whereas BW works better than color, in most cases, in evincing the pessimism / danger feeling, picture wise, that the exhibition gallery director seems to be seeking.

That written, I may make a BW Noir as a counterpoint to the color version.

On another subject, re: photo noir, I am wondering if a picture that intends to evoke the feelings associated with film noir requires the actual visual presence of a person. Or, is the suggestion of pessimism / danger, sans person, that intimates that the viewer of a noir picture is him/herself in danger enough? The conclusion I am coming to is that it can work either way.

As always, I am open to reading different opinions other than mine on the subject.

diptych # 196 / photo noir # 3-4 • 3a-4a ~ choices

restricted views ~ Pittsburgh< PA • click to embiggen
photo noir # 3 ~ • click to embiggen
photo noir # 4 ~ • click to embiggen
photo noir # 3a ~ • click to embiggen
photo noir # 4a ~ • click to embiggen

I have completed preliminary BW conversions on 34 of the 42 pictures which deemed noir worthy. The conversion process was also an editing process inasmuch as I converted only those pictures which more emphatically conveyed the bleak pessimism, and a lurking sense of danger feeling of the noir film genre.

Now that preliminary conversions are at hand, I have been contemplating the notion of color vs BW. The 2 noir pictures in this entry are presented in both color and BW because they represent the challenge of deciding between the color / BW formats inasmuch as, in the case of these particular pictures, I feel that both color and BW work equally well. Not every noir picture works both ways, so I have some deciding to do.

Then of course, the big deciding is editing down the collection to 5-7 pictures for submission to the gallery / juror for consideration.

civilized ku # 3022 / photo noir # 2-3 ~ sucker for the light

HOMETOWN IS HERO ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen
alone / Photo Noir # 2 ~ • click to embiggen
pursuit / Photo Noir # 3 ~ • click to embiggen

If I am a sucker for any kind of light, it's the light to be had in late-day slightly-hazy urban settings. Although, the mixture of natural light and man-made light which is best pictured in the gloaming, or, if you will, during L’heure entre chien et loup runs as a very close second. Then again, it's most likely a tie.

In yesterday's entry I mentioned the upcoming Photo Noir exhibition at the PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, VT. On their website call for entries, they describe the idea of film / photo noir as ....

Film noir is distinguished by a unique aesthetic of low-key, contrasty light, strong shadows, unexpected camera angles, bleak pessimism, and a lurking sense of danger ... As Roger Ebert describes the style: “Locations that reek of the night, of shadows, of alleys, of the back doors of fancy places, of apartment buildings with a high turnover rate, of taxi drivers and bartenders who have seen it all.”

While I have pictured referents which evidence "low-key, contrasty light, strong shadows, unexpected camera angles .... [L]ocations that reek of the night, of shadows ....", I can accurately write that my picturing intentions in making those pictures was/is not to convey a sense of "bleak pessimism, and a lurking sense of danger". Most often my intent is to convey a sense of dark mystery. Although, I must admit that dark mystery conjures up, for many, a feeling of foreboding and unsettling anxiety.

Consequently, the challenge for me in making my submission selections for potential exhibition inclusion is to look anew at my pictures which "reek of night" and decide which ones could be viewed to meet the criteria of "bleak pessimism, and a lurking sense of danger".

As in the case of my Celebration of Trees submissions, my first-blush feeling is that, for this exhibition, BW is the order of the day. Although, the jury is still deliberating that feeling.

That written, of one thing I am certain - most, if not all, of the pictures I might select for submission will need adjustments in order to emphasis the "bleak pessimism, and a lurking sense of danger" effect that defines film / photo noir. Unless, of course, as I did for the Alternative Cameras: Pinhole to Plastic exhibition, I venture forth, cameras at the ready, to make noir pictures which are created specifically for this exhibition.

An aside: Has anyone out there been tempted to visit the PhotoPlace Gallery website and check out their call for entries with the intention of submitting a picture or 5 for consideration for one or more exhibitions?

ku # 1369 / civilized ku # 3021 ~ Trees submissions and  news

Alternative Cameras exhibition catalog spread ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 1 ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 2 ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 3 ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 4 ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 5 ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 6 ~ • click to embiggen
In Celebration of Trees # 7 ~ • click to embiggen
Photo Noir # 1 ~ • click to embiggen

For every exhibition the PhotoPlace Gallery publishes a POD exhibition catalog. This morning I received a link to a proof of the Alternative Cameras: Pinhole to Plastic catalog* for review of my info and I was pleasantly surprised to see my accepted entry on the intro spread - and on a regular catalog page as well - of the catalog. Nice.

In any event, yesterday, was the submission deadline for the In Celebration of Trees exhibition. My submissions are displayed in this entry. And, as you can see, they are all B&W pictures. While I had many color pictures of trees which would have been very suitable submissions, I found that some were very well suited to B&W conversion as I mentioned in a previous entry. So, B&W it is.

While submitting my ICoT pictures, I came across a call for entries for the next exhibition, Photo Noir. I immediately thought that I had a few pictures which might be suitable for that exhibition so I went into my picture library and, lo and behold, I had 42 pictures that most certainly qualify as photo noir.

Once again, I have "discovered" a hidden body of work within the 6,800+ finished / finals pictures in my photo library. Makes me wonder what I will "discover" next.

*I believe anyone can access the proof here. FYI, there are currently 79 exhibition catalogs which can be viewed in their entirety. Just click on the View More link at the bottom right of the Author's Bookstore (which is just below the catalog preview.

urban flora # 19 / diptych # 195 ~ chaotic messes

urban(ish) flora ~ Keeseville, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
meter mess ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen

As evidenced by the picture - made in the small village of Keeseville, NY - of the unfettered growth of urban chaotic scrub in this entry, it should be obvious that kind of scrub growth is not limited to big urban areas. In fact, it would be far more accurate to write that urban scrub growth is quite common to areas marked by depressed economic circumstance or as a result thereof. Keeseville most definitely fits that description.

Perhaps my working title, urban flora, for this body of work needs to be amended to include some notion of blight.

On a different but similar topic of blight, Pittsburgh is also a prime example, but not the only example, of what might be labeled electric blight. That is, the rat's nest of wires, meters and other electronic apparatus which is placed willy-nilly on the facade of homes and businesses without even a passing regard to order or unsightliness. And, once again, this phenomenon is most common in areas of the same depressed economic circumstances as urban blight, flora style.

While it is certainly possible to create objects of beauty - pictures, in and of themselves - by organizing lines, shapes, colors and the like within the frame of a picture, to the naked eye they most often are little more than an eye-sore.

civilized ku # 3014-17 ~ Pittsburgh miscellanea

Jack's corner window ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen
Kelly O's Diner ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen
rusting bridge girder ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen
colorful bush ~ Pittsburgh, PA • click to embiggen

Quite a few other referents other than urban flora pricked my eye and sensibilities while I was In Pittsburgh.