civilized ku # 3033 ~ a totally unexpected surprise

roosters ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
I am not sure of the reasons for this proclivity other than exotic chickens seem to speak to me of a Supreme Being (of some sort) - perhaps the Creation Department Director in charge of Poultry Evolution - who gathered together an assembly of graphic designers and gave them each the task of designing a chicken. The results were creative, plentiful and, iMo, quite spectacular and that is the reason why our house is replete with many chicken / rooster effigies. Objects which represent how, at this time, I am dealing with my chicken obsession. In any event, it came to my notice, in a recent edition of our online local community newsletter, that a local farm was making a number of laying hens available because their flock was overextending their poultry housing facility. While I am not particularly interested in chickens for their laying ability (nevertheless, a nice ancillary activity), I clicked on the link to the farm website to see what might be what. The unexpected surprise that greeted me on the Blue Pepper Farm website was not that of chickens but rather that of some absolutely delightful photography. Pictures which are presented not as addendum's to text but rather pictures which are presented in a photography blog / site format, seemingly for the pure joy of picture making. Most, if not all, of pictures seem to be of cell phone origin, most with some sort of photography app effects applied. However, whatever the methodology, the pictures speak with an unmistakably enthusiastic and affectionate voice regarding a love for farm life and all it entails. Wading through the hundreds of pictures reveals a large number of wonderful picturing gems. If ever there was a "hidden" treasure of undiscovered pictures which cry out to be seen in a gallery exhibition (with an accompanying exhibition catalog), this is a prime example thereof.