civilized ku # 4018 / civilized triptych # 4 ~ click on this

This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..
>>>> Comments, commentary and lively discussions, re: my writings or any topic germane to the medium and its apparatus, are vigorously encouraged.
In Situ ~ la, la, how the life goes on • Life without the APA • Doors • Kitchen Sink • Rain • 2014 • Year in Review • Place To Sit • ART ~ conveys / transports / reflects • Decay & Disgust • Single Women • Picture Windows • Tangles ~ fields of visual energy (10 picture preview) • The Light + BW mini-gallery • Kitchen Life (gallery) • The Forks ~ there's no place like home (gallery)
That is, to make 3 pictures each with their own visual / referent interest which seemingly compete with each other for the viewer's attention but, nevertheless, work together as a complete / integrated picture. And, I also prize a foreground element which draws the viewer's a eye from front to back (and back again) as much as that is possible on the 2-deminsional surface of the print. All the more helpful in causing the viewer's eye to dance and flit about the individual and collective surfaces of the triptych, creasing a visual energy which is found in most of my pictures.
More to come.While at the shore, my intent is to begin a series of 3-picture segmented images. There was a time past when I created quite a number of triptychs but they were different than the above image inasmuch as they were comprised of 3 related pictures as opposed to 3 contiguous pictures.
I have yet to work out the precise technique - lens, camera rotation or straight line movement (that is, move the camera to the left and right of the center picture), my normal black edges (or not), etc. - so the first day or two will be a work in progress kinda thing.
I'll post pictures as I go. Comments always appreciated.I have a ragtag collection of old sign - neon and painted - pictures which I never organized. I have also given thought to pursuing an old sign body of work. However, one of the problems with that idea is that some old neon signs are still in operation and the ideal time to picture them is at or near dusk. In most cases I am not in the presence of such signs at a time which allows me to hang about waiting for the ideal picturing conditions. Consequently, I picture those signs in daylight, which while still interesting, is not the same as picturing a lighted neon sign.
Most likely, I will continue to picture old signs as I encounter them unless I have the opportunity to picture working signs at dusk.
In any event, as can be deduced from the as pictured picture of the Saratoga Diner sign, even daylight can be not very ideal. I made the picture knowing that it would not be a "winner" and that was exactly the result.
That is, until I had some time on my hands and set about trying to improve upon the "real" world.
PS to John: I've noticed a few pictures made at The Hedges on your blog. I am intimately familiar with those referents in as much as I have been staying at The Hedges since 1975 - literally over hundred visits over the years. Any of the lakeside cabins are great, the Ice House cabin is even better, but my favorite place to stay is the Colonel's room. Well worth a return visit just to stay in that room.In any event, we resisted the urge to dine at McDonald's and continued on to Lombardo's, a very old restaurant (c.1919) which serves up some very interesting and very tasty Italian food. Had a chat with the owner and made a picture of him.
We went to the restaurant simply because I had previously passed by it a number of times (see daylight picture, c.2013) and was really impressed with the sign. That criteria is not my normal guide for choosing a restaurant but, in this case, the sign caused me to research the restaurant online and I discovered that it had great reviews.Mark Hobson - Physically, Emotionally and Intellectually Engaged Since 1947