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« Jonathan McIntosh ~ a different kind of Jakarta landscape | Main | urban ku # 18 »

urban ku # 19

The Blue Spruce Motel on Rt. 9N near Au Sable Chasm. I think The Blue Spruce is a seasonal motel but I am not certain about that. It's just down the road from Au Sable Chasm and I imagine that many tourists who stayed here stopped by Clare & Carl's for a Michigan.

I absolutely postively love the fact that a really big real blue spruce in the coutyard wasn't enough to convey the idea of "blue spruce" (although the real blue spruce certainly was much smaller when the place was built than it is now). They just had to add that funky man-made one as well. Don't you just wish that someone would open a really big - a couple acres or so - museum of authentic 50's roadside neon signs?

Reader Comments (2)

here is an interesting site (not a photography site by any means), that is updated regularly and shows a photographic journey across the U.S. of old theaters, diners, motels, etc...

They seem to accept contributions as well. Some pretty nifty stuff on there, especially in the midwest.
January 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteraaron
is it just me, or does that sign look like a person giving passing cars the finger?
January 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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